Homemade Apple Juice

If you are looking for a refreshing and healthy drink, you should try apple juice. It is loaded with essential nutrients that can help keep you fit and healthy throughout the year. You can find bottled apple juice at stores, but it is half as healthy as homemade apple juice. This easy recipe for apple juice will help you prepare it at your home within 10 minutes.

How to make Apple Juice

To make apple juice, you will first need to wash and slice the apples. You can use an apple peeler, corer, and slicer to quickly cut the apples. It is a handy kitchen appliance that can help you make apple juice much faster than usual.

Add apple slices to the blender along with water, lemon juice, ginger pieces and mint leaves. Run the machine for about 30 seconds or until all ingredients are blended properly.

Pass the apple juice through a strainer to remove apple pulp. Add honey and serve it immediately.


Apples: Use red or green apples to make apple juice. Red apple is a little sweet, whereas green apple has a sour taste.

Honey: You must add honey to apple juice to enhance its overall flavor and sweetness. However, if you want the drink without sugar, you can skip adding honey altogether.

Lemon Juice: Lemon juice gives apple juice a nice tangy flavor.

Ginger Pieces: Ginger gives apple juice a slight spiciness.

Mint Leaves: Mint leaves add a refreshing flavor to apple juice. You can also use other herbs such as basil or lavender instead of mint leaves.

Water: Add water to the blender according to your desired consistency. If you want a thicker apple juice, then add less water. Conversely, if you want a thinner drink, then add more water.

Apple Juice Health Benefits

Apples are loaded with essential nutrients that are very useful for keeping us healthy and fit throughout the year. Apple juice is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help boost our immune system.

It is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, boosting immunity and preventing diseases. Apple juice is also a great source of hydration and prevents dehydration.

So, apple juice is a great drink to have for a healthy and refreshing beverage. So, next time you want to drink something healthy, try apple juice and enjoy its taste and health benefits.

Which Apples to use

Sweet apples: If you want a sweeter taste, use sweet apples like pink lady, Honeycrisp, or fuji.

Tart apples: If you want tart apple juice, use granny smith, empire, or Braeburn.

You can also mix different apples to make your apple juice more flavorful. Experiment with different flavors and find the perfect apple juice for you.


You can also add other ingredients to your apple juice like cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla extract. These spices will give your apple juice a nice flavor and make it even more delicious.

You can also use sparkling water instead of plain water to make your apple juice more refreshing. This variation is perfect for those who want a light and refreshing drink.

You can also use apple juice as a base for other drinks like apple cider, apple martini, and apple punch. It is straightforward to prepare these drinks, and you don’t need any fancy equipment or ingredients. All you need is apple juice and some spices to make your drink more flavorful.

Serving Suggestions

Let me give you a few more ideas on how you can spice up your apple juice.

Apple Cider: To make apple cider, add apple juice, cinnamon sticks, and cloves to a pot. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes. Strain the apple cider and serve it hot or cold.

Apple Martini: To make an apple martini, mix apple juice, vodka, and triple sec in a shaker with ice.

Apple Punch: To make apple punch, mix apple juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, lemonade, and ginger ale in a pitcher. Serve chilled over ice cubes.

So as you can see, there are many different ways to enjoy apple juice! It is a very versatile drink that everyone can enjoy. Whether you like sweet or tart apple juice, there is a recipe variation for you. Next time you want to make a quick and healthy beverage, try making apple juice! You will not be disappointed.

Using a Blender 

When you are making apple juice in a blender, make sure to remove the seeds of the apples as they contain a cyanide compound that is harmful to the body. Always choose apples that are sweet for making fresh apple juice. Sour apples are highly acidic and not suitable for making refreshing apple juice. The apple varieties ideal for making juices are Ambrosia, Fuji, and Juliet. As they are naturally sweet, you do not have to add sugar.

You can also make apple juice if you do not have a blender or juicer. After slicing the apples, you need to add them to a pot filled with water. Boil for about 20 minutes. Mash the apples. Strain the hot juice through a mesh strainer. The apple juice will be filtered in the glass. You can add lemon, mint leaves, and honey for adding taste.

How can I use the leftover Apple puree?

Leftover apple puree can be used for apple muffins, apple cake, apple pie filling, apple turnovers, and apple strudel.

Can the juice be frozen?

Yes, you can freeze the fresh apple juice for up to three months in an airtight freezer-safe container. Keep it in a single layer to not stick together when frozen.

Fresh apple juice or store-bought apple juice?

Fresh apple juice wins over store-bought apple juices when it comes to taste. They are also loaded with essential nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial for our health. 

The only downside of making your apple juice is that it takes time to prepare. If you are short on time, I suggest buying bottled apple juice from the store. It is still better than most unhealthy drinks available in the market.

Bottled apple juices are not as healthy as fresh apple juice because they contain added sugar and preservatives. These additives make them last longer on the shelf, but they are not suitable for our health.

My apple juice turned brown! What happened? 

Apple juice turns brown when exposed to air and sunlight. It is a chemical reaction between apple juice and oxygen in the presence of light.

The best way to prevent apple juice from turning brown is by covering the container and storing it in a dark place. But even after doing this, apple juice turns brown within a few hours. 

A safer way to prevent apple juice from turning brown is to add fresh lemon juice or vitamin C powder as soon as you prepare it. This will slow down the oxidation process and keep your apple juice looking fresh for a longer time.

How to store Apple Juice

To properly store the apple juice, you need to pour it into a glass jar or airtight container. Leave about an inch of headspace at the top of the container as apple juice expands when it freezes. 

You can store apple juice in the fridge for up to two days or in the freezer for up to three months. When storing apple juice in the freezer, make sure to cover it with a lid. It will prevent apple juice from turning brown due to oxidation.

How long does apple juice last? 

Apple juice will last for about two days in the fridge or up to three months in the freezer.

You can store apple juice in the refrigerator for up to two days and in the freezer for up to three months. But we recommend you drink apple juice on the same day you make it as this juice is not pasteurized and does not have any preservatives.

When apple juice is stored in the fridge, it will last for about two days. However, if you keep apple juice in the freezer, it will last for up to three months. The apple juice may change color or develop ice crystals when frozen, but it will still be safe to drink.

Apple Juice in a mason jar garnished with a sprig of mint.

Homemade Apple Juice


So, now that you know all about apple juice go ahead and make some today! If you are looking for a healthy beverage option that is quick and easy to make, apple juice is a perfect choice. It is easy to prepare and very refreshing. Have a cup of fresh apple juice for breakfast to start the day on a healthy note. You can also have a cup of apple juice before a workout session to get a quick boost of energy. Enjoy!





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  • 4

    Large Apples

  • 3



  • ½


  • A small piece of ginger (optional)

  • 5

    mint leaves

  • 1


    Honey (optional)



  • Wash the apples under running water.

  • Cut the apples into 4 pieces. Remove the seeds of the apples.

  • Add the pieces of apples to the blender along with water, lemon, ginger, and mint leaves. Run the machine.

  • Pass the apple juice through a strainer.

  • Add honey for taste.

  • Add ice and serve.


















Saturated Fat:



Polyunsaturated Fat:



Monounsaturated Fat:















Vitamin A:



Vitamin C:









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