Sharpen. Protect. Save. – Draken

Recently a Draken Falcon 20 scored a success during a Phalanx Close In Weapon System (CIWS) gunnery shoot with RFA Tidespring. Having launched in 2017, RFA Tidespring is the first of a fleet of four 39,000 ton Tide-class tankers built to support the British Royal Navy.
Before the exercise she had never fired either of her two CIWS systems. The Falcon 20, crewed by a Target Tow Officer, Senior First Officer and Captain, flew two successful sorties against her and presented a CIWS Target at a precise height, speed and distance from the ship. First for the forward gun, then the aft gun, to track, engage and fire at the target.
On both sorties the target was completely destroyed by the Phalanx weapon system. As with all target tow sorties, success comes from the interplay between the crew, our engineers who service the aircraft, and the target bay engineers who service and fit this variety of towed targets. All in all, excellent teamwork.

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