favour_1 noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com
Express Yourself
Asking for permission/a favour
Asking for permission/a favour
You are more likely to get what you want if you can ask for it politely. Here are some ways of asking whether you may do something:
Would you mind if
I opened the window?
Could I possibly
borrow your phone?
I hate to ask, but could I please
borrow your phone?
(North American English)
Do you happen to have
a pair of gloves I could borrow for the evening?
Would it be all right if
I left five minutes early?
Is there any chance that we could
stay at your house the night before our flight?
Would it be OK to
leave my bag here?
Yes, of course.
Go ahead.
That’s fine.
I’d rather you didn’t, if you don’t mind.
I’d prefer it
if you asked somebody else.
If there’s someone else you can ask, I’d be grateful.