10 Reasons to Create a Facebook Group Today

[Last updates: 09/24/2018]

Facebook Groups can be a GREAT way to extend the reach of your customer base, get new customers and build relationships for business. However, it’s also very easy to waste a ton of time in groups that aren’t giving you what you REALLY need.

This post will give you reasons to create a Facebook Group and show you that when it comes to Facebook Groups, it is not a one size fits all approach.

1. Mentoring Opportunities

People want to feel like they are experts and help others with the information that they have and that others need. By using Facebook Groups to provide helpful tips and insight that many within your field of business are seeking, you establish yourself as a credible source.

2. Business Networking

Build a business community with Facebook Groups as it unites your potential clients, current clients, and fan base under the common thread of your business or common subject matter. As seen here in this photo below, this Facebook Group is about the topic of Infusionsoft and it is an open group. That means there is no approval process and anyone can simply click the green JOIN GROUP button.

Networking opportunities can abound among those in the group that may have not otherwise been connected. Your business is a common ‘like, know and trust’ factor and it can help solidify relationships for all involved.

Infusionsoft Open Facebook GroupInfusionsoft Open Facebook Group

3.Team Development Or Leadership Use

Businesses large and small can utilize the ease of a Facebook Group to streamline projects, communications, trainings and more. Due to the familiarity of Facebook to so many, it is often found that the Facebook Groups can be even more productive than sending the information via e-mail.

4. Social Sharing

Small business owners and entrepreneurs work tirelessly to use social media smarter to grow their brands. By participating in Facebook Groups that have opportunities to post new blog posts, or links to various social media platforms, everyone is able to support one another in a community that shares that common interest to grow via giving likes, shares, retweets, endorsements, etc.. We all love those opportunities, right?

5. Private Premium Memberships

If you have a service or product that is sold on your website, a private ‘exclusive’ membership to a Facebook Group is a nice extra perk to offer your paying customers. This is a place where you can share information ‘first’ before you tell others, share pre-order opportunities, and continue to build that base of raving fans for your business.

Here’s an example of a group that is only available to people that purchased a Facebook Ads training course. Their purchase gives them access to this closed group.

6. 24/7 Marketing through Suggested Groups

As seen here in this photo, you can notice members in a given group are given suggested groups by Facebook based on their interests and their friends’ interests.

Starters Club Closed Facebook Group

Starters Club Closed Facebook Group

7. Customer Service Hub

A Facebook Group allows you to support customers in the things they are working on via your business. Especially if they are pleased with your product/service, they will invite more people to your group. This allows them to help naturally foster the transparency of your company.

You can share when you are working on resolutions on issues and the ability to answer quickly and candidly to questions lets everyone know that you are there for them and working on a resolution. It gives that ‘exclusive club’ feel.

8. Community of Loyal  Fans

Facebook Groups are home to ambassadors and raving fans of your business. They are the ones that respond to every post you publish. When you have a new blog post, they share it, retweet it and shout from the roof tops (well, not literally..but you know what I mean). This atmosphere helps spreads positive vibes about your business. Here is also where you can thank these members for helping you grow your business, answer their questions and cultivate their loyalty to your business.

fb group publishingfb group publishing

9. Visibility of All Posts to All Members

With the ever-changing Facebook algorithm that determines what is placed in people’s newsfeed, is exciting to know that when you are in a Facebook Group, each post is visible to all members of that group. This can be especially helpful if you fear your posts aren’t getting the exposure they deserve on your business Facebook page.

[Tweet “Posts not getting enough exposure on your Fan Page? Try a Facebook Group!”]

10. Group Based on an Upcoming Event

Build a Facebook Group community around an upcoming event. As people RSVP, people can be invited to join the group. The group helps create a more personal level of connections among members around the world before the actual event. This can help people that finally meet in real life feel their connection is deeper and launch stronger business relationships.

Kim Garst’s social selling conference had a Facebook Group open only to the the speakers and the leadership of the event making it really simple to engage and have a streamlined message prior to the event.


My favorite reason to be on Facebook Groups is the ability for relationships to thrive. The time and energy it takes for a Facebook Group to be done well isn’t easy, make no mistake about that. You must show up, be consistent and put forth effort to grow and build the relationships. But in the long run, Facebook Groups can do great things to expand you business growth.

What are YOUR best reasons to create a Facebook Group? Share with us below!

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