10 min Ab and Core Workout | Gymless


Follow along with Pat Chadwick as he does a 10 minutes abs workout that targets the upper abs, lower abs, obliques, and core. The variety of exercises shown here will not only get you shredded but also will build 6-pack abs. Whether your goal is to get a lean around your midsection or have sculpted 6-pack abs, this workout will help you to achieve it.

This ab routine requires no equipment and it can be done in the comfort of your own home. This is a hardcore routine, no joke, and it’s 100% suitable for men and women. There are 16 exercises in 20 sequences that you will go through, with work time being allocated to 30 seconds per exercise. No rest in between exercises, but if you need to, do take it! Just don’t quit!

Core strength is an important prerequisite for many sports such as track and field, soccer, and climbing, along with everyday activities such as sitting, standing, walking in an upright position. According to research, having a solid core strength will safeguard spine stability for force generation and injury prevention.

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