10-Minute Ab Workout to Fire Up Your Entire Core

If you don’t understand the importance of having a strong core as a cyclist, then you’re probably not training this area enough. Or maybe you’re leaving ab workouts completely out of your routine—a big mistake if you’re looking for big gains on the bike.

While it may seem like it’s not a big deal to skip core work, neglecting your abs will eventually catch up with you. Prevent this by adding a simple 10-minute ab workout to your training schedule a few times a week. This will help you build that strong core without spending extra hours in the gym.

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The Benefits of a 10-Minute Ab Workout

“You can never have too much lower abdominal activation, especially when riding a bike,” Kellen Scantlebury, D.P.T., C.S.C.S., of Fit Club NY tells Bicycling. “These all-important muscles work with the hip flexors to help generate power.”

Scantlebury also believes in performing abdominal exercises that mimic real-life activities, such as the movement pattern a cyclist makes when riding. Side plank with hip and knee flexion or the dead bug both fit this description.

Those are just some of the moves listed in this 10-minute ab workout that Scantlebury created to help you build core strength in just a few minutes a day. What’s even better: You’ll get an even bigger bang for your buck, because all of the moves in the circuit challenge other parts of your body, too. That includes your glutes, chest, shoulders, and back, while you firing up your core from different angle.

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How to use this list: For this routine, follow a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio. That means you’ll perform each move for 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second recovery period. This will take five minutes. Perform 2 rounds for a 10-minute workout. Each move is demonstrated by Brian Levine, a USTA Level 1 coach, trainer, and cyclist, so you can learn the proper form. You will need an exercise mat.

1. Superman Plank, 30 seconds

Start in a forearm plank position, elbows under shoulders, core engaged so body forms a straight line from head to heels. Simultaneously lift right leg and extend left arm out in front of you. Squeeze abs and glutes to prevent hips from rocking then slowly return hand and foot to the forearm plank. Focus on stability and avoid arching your back as you lift the leg. Repeat on the opposite side (left leg and right arm) with no rest between sides. Continue alternating for 30 seconds.

Rest 30 Seconds

2. Hollow Body Rock, 30 seconds

Lie faceup with legs straight, feet lifted, and toes pointed forward. Extend arms past head. Engage core—think belly button to spine—while pressing lower back into the mat, and looking straight ahead, rock forward and back without changing body position. Focus on maintaining the braced core as you rock.

Rest 30 Seconds

3. Side Plank With Hip and Knee Flexion, 30 seconds

Start in a side plank position, with left forearm on the floor, left elbow directly under left shoulder, feet stacked. Place right hand on right hip. With core tight, raise the top leg (right leg) and bend at the knee. Bring that leg forward and back, like a cycling motion. Make sure not to let the bottom hip drop—keeping it strong encourages glute activation. Continue for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side on the second round.

Rest 30 Seconds

4. Dead Bug, 30 seconds

Lie faceup with arms extended straight up toward the ceiling, over shoulders. With knees bent 90 degrees, and held over hips, keep shoulders down and feet flexed. This is your starting position. Engage core and extend right arm and left leg away from you until heel and hand barely taps the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side (left arm and right leg) and continue to alternate for 30 seconds.

Rest 30 Seconds

Repeat Circuit (5 minutes)


preview for How To Do A PlankHeadshot of Sara Lindberg

Sara Lindberg

Sara Lindberg, B.S., M.Ed., is a freelance writer focusing on health and fitness. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Exercise Science and a Master’s Degree in Counseling. Her work is published in LIVESTRONG, Runner’s World, Bicycling Magazine, Men’s Health, SheKnows, Healthline, Active.com, HealthyWay, Yahoo Health, Bodybuilding.com, and many more.

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