Watch Be Melodramatic Kdrama, Be Melodramatic Plot, and Be Melodramatic Hindi Dubbed Show Online On MX Player! The plot of the show revolves around the daily lives of 30-year-old best friends Lim Jin-Joo, Lee Eun-Jung, and Hwang Han-Joo using a show within a show as a backdrop. Jin-Joo is a writer who gets her first break where she has to write a 16-episode television series, and in the process, she falls in love with her director, Beom Soo. As Jin-Joo writes the show and Beom-soo develops it, their personal and professional lives intertwine in unexpected ways. They share some prickly moments as well as sweet moments in their journey of developing the series. Don’t miss out on any episodes of Be Melodramatic Korean web series! Stay tuned to MX Player. Watch Be Melodramatic kdrama, Be Melodramatic Kdrama Hindi dubbed, Be Melodramatic cast and more online, right here.

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