3 Best Ab Exercises for Ultimate Core Strength | TrainHeroic

But what if I told you most people have a rectus abdominis that is already on overdrive? And the more you do ab exercises like crunches and sit-ups, the further into overdrive you go and the more likely your hips and low back tighten up.

If it’s the chiseled 6-pack you’re looking for, eating your way there with a healthy and consistent protein-packed diet is a much easier route to get there than doing thousands of crunches every day.

What Is Core Strength?

Core strength is the ability to move and resist force on the body in a way that keeps joints happy and healthy. Tailor that to whatever your goals may be: picking up your grandchildren, squatting/deadlifting over 500 lbs, running marathons, etc; and you can come up with how much effort you need to put in to get there.

If your goal has more to do with functional fitness, then the muscles you should be targeting are the internal and external obliques.

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