3 Simple Steps to Increase your Interest in Reading

As a Reading Coach, many people ask me these questions

  • How can I increase my interest in Reading?
  • I used to read a lot in past but now I am not able to read even a single book?
  • I start reading a book but close it even before I finish the first chapter – why does that happen?

For people having these kind of questions, follow these three simple steps to increase your interest in Reading.

1- Be Specific

When people ask for book recommendation, my first question to them is – In which area of life you want to improve? People get puzzled initially but after some time they come up with a category. For example – let’s say the say “Finance.” Then I ask what in finance, is it financial planning or investing or about stock markets?

The objective is to be clear about your growth area. Once you get the clarity, selecting books in same area gives you the required motivation. 

2- Involve your Right Brain in Reading

The ultimate objective of my “Velocity Reading Workshop” is to involve your right brain into Reading. The reason of day dreaming or feeling sleepy while reading is because of lack of right brain involvement. Once the right brain gets involved, reading becomes faster, better and interesting.

It is not possible to explain the entire procedure but i can share a guideline about involving your right brain. Always keep the objective of over viewing the reading material before you start reading word by word. This helps your right brain to prepare a rough sketch about the reading material and thus involving it. You can easily do that be following 2:7:1 method.

3- Start with Books which are easy to Comprehend.

Our Brain is a muscle. If it has not been regularly reading in past few months that means it was not getting used. Then if you suddenly start with a book which is difficult to comprehend then your brain gets tired quickly. Therefore it tries to find out many excuses for not reading that book. This is the reason why people start reading a book but do not read more than one chapter. Therefore, initially start with a book which is easy to understand.

To summarize, first decide in which area of life you want to grow. Select the books of that category. Do the overview of the few books. Then start with “easy to comprehend” books. After reading few books in this manner, you will overcome the initial inertia. Then start reading any book which you wish.

 In the comment section, let me which book you have decided to read after following these three steps.

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