30 Day Flat Abs Challenge! – Blogilates
Click to download and print!
Here are all the moves in detail:
The Roll-Up.
Did you know 6 crunches equals one of these? Yup. Do them.
The Criss-Cross.
Bring your shoulder towards your knee, not your elbow. And be sure to lift your shoulder blades high off the mat!
The Double Leg Lift.
Press your heels together, press your lower back into the mat and lower your legs down and back up. Inhale as you go down and exhale when you go up.
Ankle Reaches.
Keeping your legs straight and your toes pointed, reach your fingers toward your ankles! Use your abs, not your neck!
The Reverse Crunch.
Cross your ankles and lift your bottom off the floor. Total core control here!
Please invite your friends, co-workers, and family members to join in on this challenge! I wanted to create something that was simple enough to do and squeeze into your day. I know that sometimes doing the monthly workout calendars can be intimidating and requires time and major commitment.
For those of you doing the #JanYOUary calendar with me, yes you can do the 30 Day Flat Abs Challenge alongside the regular calendar or the beginner’s calendar. Oh by the way, I am working on Beginner’s 2 for you guys! So watch out for that coming soon too.
Ok now go print it! I PURPOSEFULLY made the background white so that you guys don’t have to waste ink. Take a pic and show me using the hashtag #30dayflatabs!
RECORD EVERYTHING! It’s your own fit journey and you should take credit for everything you do to get you to where you want.