30-Day Ab Workout Challenge

If you’re looking to get a stronger core and tone up your abs and obliques, you’ve come to the right place! Building a strong core will help to improve your posture and will help you gain stability and power in your everyday workout routine. This 30-Day Ab Workout Challenge is designed to help you sculpt and strengthen your core from every angle.


How to Do the 30-Day Ab Workout Challenge

All of the moves included in this challenge are bodyweight, so all you need is yourself, some motivation, and a yoga mat. Each week includes 2 total rest days, with 5 days of focused core work.

There are 4 total exercises, and these exercises will not change throughout the course of the challenge. You’ll start with only 3 sets of 5 reps of each exercise and work your way up to 5 sets of 20 reps of each exercise.

Follow along with the rep-range provided in the chart below, but always feel free to adjust it as needed according to your schedule and fitness level. Because this challenge is rep-based, you can take as much rest as you please in between sets but try your best to get through the entire set of reps before taking your rest.

For best results during this challenge, we recommend including at least 2-3 days of strength training, as well as 2-3 days of cardio of choice. If you’re looking for ideas, be sure to check out our Spring Trim Up Workout Plan which includes some great strength workouts, as well as ideas for your cardio sessions.


30 Day Ab Workout Challenge




Day 1

3 Sets

5 Reps

Day 2

3 Sets

5 Reps

Day 3


Day 4

3 Sets

10 reps

Day 5

3 Sets

10 reps

Day 6


Day 7

3 Sets

15 reps

Day 8

3 Sets

15 reps

Day 9


Day 10

3 Sets

20 reps

Day 11

4 Sets

5 Reps

Day 12

4 Sets

5 Reps

Day 13


Day 14

4 Sets

10 reps

Day 15

4 Sets

10 reps

Day 16


Day 17

4 Sets

15 reps

Day 18

4 Sets

15 reps

Day 19


Day 20

4 Sets

20 reps

Day 21

5 Sets

5 Reps

Day 22

5 Sets

5 Reps

Day 23


Day 24

5 Sets

10 reps

Day 25

5 Sets

10 reps

Day 26


Day 27

5 Sets

15 reps

Day 28

5 Sets

15 reps

Day 29


Day 30

5 Sets

20 reps


30 Day Ab Workout Challenge Exercises

Mountain Climbers

How To: To perform mountain climbers, begin in a high plank position with hands below shoulders, core engaged, and butt tucked. Lift one leg off the ground, driving your knee forward to touch the opposite elbow. Return to the high plank, and switch to the other side. Complete the daily number of reps on each side.


Ab Tucks

How To: Lay flat on your back with legs fully extended in front of you. Place your hands at your sides or under your butt for support. Lift legs 1-2 inches off the floor. Tuck your knees up to your chest and extend your legs back out to your starting position. Repeat to complete the daily number of reps!


Hip Dips

How To: To perform hip dips, begin in an elbow plank position, with elbows directly under your shoulders and hands resting in front of you. The core should be engaged, and butt tucked so your body forms a straight line from head to heel. Dip to the right with your right hip, bringing your hip as close as you can towards the ground. Return to the elbow plank, and then repeat on the left side. Complete the daily number of reps on each side.


Leg Raises

How To: Lay flat on your back with legs fully extended in front of you. Place your hands at your sides or under your butt for support. Lift your legs off the ground and up to form a 90-degree angle. If possible, lift your hips up to reach your heels up to the sky to work your lower abs even more. Lower legs until they hover just 1-2 inches off the floor and repeat to complete the daily number of reps!



Once you’ve mastered this ab challenge, put your core to the test with these ab workouts: 10 Minutes to Tone & Tighten Your Lower Abs, 10 Minute No Equipment Beginner Core Workout, or this 10 Minute HIIT Ab Finisher. Or check out the Sunny Health & Fitness YouTube Channel for even more great workouts!




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