
AIA Future Focused – Britt Lindberg, FAIA

Britt Lindberg, FAIA, has over ten years of architectural experience in the San Francisco Bay Area; Britt has developed a thorough and reliable skill set that makes her a highly valuable Project Architect team member. From master planning, to design, construction and close out, Britt drives and leads project implementation, with exceptional team leadership and problem-solving skills essential to the project’s and firm’s success. Britt is also very active in the AIA at the national, state, and local levels. She was the 2018 President of AIA California, the 2014 President of AIA Silicon Valley, 2020-2022 AIA National Board At-Large Director and is now serving as 2023-2024 AIA Secretary. In these roles, she helps to plan and lead programs that provide educational, networking, advocacy, and public outreach opportunities for all architectural professionals. Her leadership in these efforts was recently recognized through receipt of the 2016 SV Business Journal ‘Women of Influence’ award, and 2013 AIA California’s Academy of Emerging Professionals Young Architect Award. When not working, Britt enjoys road trips throughout California and the Southwest.

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