Ab Exercises For Men: 5 Ways To Shred Your Core!

Want to redefine and shred your core? Then, it’s time to learn the five best ab exercises for men!

Abs can be one of the most masculine muscles on a man’s body.

They prove that we’re lean and strong to our very core.

The 6-pack is the holy grail of fitness and shows that we’re disciplined and healthy.

We can all remember how it felt to be 25-year-olds strolling around on beaches with our shirts off and without a care. Weren’t those the days?

But now, we’re over 40, have a full-time job, full-time family, and a full-time life.

That doesn’t usually translate to a full rack of abs.

Or does it?

If you just went down memory lane with me and then looked down with disappointment at the 10+ pounds you’d like to lose around your middle, it’s time for a wake-up call.

It’s time to challenge your expectations and hopes for your body.

Just because you can’t metabolize beer like it’s water anymore DOES NOT mean that you can’t have a ripped physique.

You can have lean, strong abs when you’re 40, 50, 60, and beyond.

Let’s get started with the top 5 ab exercises for men!

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The 5 Best Ab Exercises for Men

Before we dive into the five most effective ab exercises for men, I want to remind you of a few (very important) things.

First, if you have a few extra pounds around your waist at the moment, you will need to put in extra work to see your abs come in.

This is because fat loss spot reduction does not work.

“Spot reduction” is the idea that you can target where on your body you lose fat from.

But, it doesn’t work.

The best way for men who need to lose weight to see their abs come in is to also commit to a weight loss transformation program.

Second, while I just told you that abs cannot break through a big layer of fat, I did NOT just tell you to that all hope is lost.

Abs are muscles, and all muscles can be strengthened — even while underneath fat.

This means that by simultaneously strengthening your ab muscles and losing weight, your abs WILL break through and make you extremely proud.

Third, as with all workout regimens, you must have the proper diet and proper mindset before beginning.

Now for the good stuff …

The 5 Best Ab Exercises for Men

1. Lying Leg Raise

The lying leg raise is one of the most effective ab exercises for men.

It specifically assists in developing your lower abs.

Lying leg raises involve you lying on a bed, bench, or floor and raising, then lowering, your relatively straightened legs.

Sounds easy, right?

To reap the benefits of lying leg raises, you truly need to master the form.

The form you need to worry about in lying leg raises is your pelvis.

Focus on rolling your pelvis under and upwards to truly engage your lower abs.


2. Ab-Wheel Rollout

The ab-wheel rollout is one of my favorites.

Because who doesn’t like playing with gym equipment and working their 6-pack muscles at the same time?

Essentially, ab-wheel rollouts involve starting in a tabletop position on your knees and then “rolling” the ab-wheel out in front of you.

Again, the trickiness is in the form.

To do this effectively, you need to tense your ab muscles the entire time.

In addition, do not let your lower back dip at the furthest point of your rollout.


3. Swiss Ball Crunch

The Swiss ball crunch will truly make you feel the burn in your core.

This exercise also contributes to a strong back and good posture, which is a foundation for solid ab work.

In Swiss ball crunches, you position your lower back on an exercise ball so that your butt is just off of the ball.

With your arms outstretched behind you and your chin tucked, curl your abs forward.

Outstretching your arms behind your head is a key to Swiss ball crunches because it adds extra tension to your abs.

Crossing your arms over your chest or placing your hands behind your ears isn’t nearly as effective.


4. RKC Plank

The RKC (Russian Kettlebell Club) plank is the best plank exercise you can do.

We’ve all heard people commenting on how long they can hold a plank.

But trust me, if you can hold an RKC plank for longer than 15 seconds, you’re a champion.

In an RKC plank, you assume a plank position but push up on your forearms to create a slight rounding in your upper back.

Then, you tense your glutes and quads as tightly as you can.

This form and tension create a plank that engages your entire body. You’ll feel your muscles shake, which means it’s working.


5. Side Plank

Another variation of the plank is the side plank.

This exercise focuses on the obliques, which run down the outer side of your abs.

Strong obliques are important for overall ab development and posture, and can help in sports that involve explosive twisting, like tennis.

In a side plank, you place your forearm on the ground so that your shoulder is directly in line with your elbow.

Then, you place your legs to the side and stack your feet on top of each other.

Finally, by lifting your hip off the floor and ensuring your body is in a straight line from head to toe, you engage your abs and sustain the position.

The key is to make sure your hip isn’t forward or backward or sagging.

Everything must be in line to work your abs in this exercise.


Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, NMD
Men’s Health Doctor & Founder
The Fit Father Project & Fit Mother Project

Founder Fit Father Project, Founder Fit Mother Project

After watching his own Dad lose his health and pass away at the young age of 42, Dr. Balduzzi founded The Fit Father Project and Fit Mother Project to help busy dads and moms get and stay healthy for their families.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi holds dual degrees in Psychology & Nutrition from the University of Pennsylvania, a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, and is also a former national champion bodybuilder. He’s is most proud of the fact that he’s helped over 40,000 families in over 100 countries lose weight and get healthy for life.

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*Please know that weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making health decisions. This is not medical advice – simply very well-researched info on ab exercises for men.

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