About Us | Deep Knowledge Analytics

About Us

Deep Knowledge Analytics is a DeepTech focused agency producing advanced analytics on DeepTech and frontier-technology industries using sophisticated multi-dimensional frameworks and algorithmic methods that combine hundreds of specially-designed and specifically-weighted metrics and parameters to deliver insightful market intelligence, pragmatic forecasting and tangible industry benchmarking.


Joint Reports with UK All-Party Parliamentary Groups

Deep Knowledge Analytics specializes in conducting special case studies and producing advanced industry analytical reports on the topics of Artificial Intelligence, GovTech, Blockchain, FinTech and Invest-Tech. It has produced a number of comprehensive analytical reports in coordination with the UK All-Parties Parliamentary Groups on AI and on Blockchain, including its AI in UK Landscape Overview 2018 and Blockchain in UK Landscape Overview 2018, unprecedented in their scope and length, and collectively more than 3000 pages. The company has also recently deployed advanced interactive online IT-platforms that feature dynamic mindmaps and filterable, customizable databases updated with new industry developments in real-time.


Deep Knowledge Analytics GovTech Division

The GovTech Division of Deep Knowledge Analytics focuses on producing sophisticated open-access and proprietary analytics that reveal major factors driving the ongoing transformation of the global GovTech industry, main sectors to be changed, barriers to this process, and ways to overcome them. The division conducts quantitative analytics and benchmarking on the main types of technologies used by GovTech including blockchain, AI and machine learning, IoT, robotic automation, and geospatial data analysis, with emphasis on the best examples of their implementation including decrease of time and complexity in public-private information exchanges, reduction of bureaucracy and corruption, improvement in automation, transparency, and accountability of information, in order to identify the key drivers of GovTech transformation in developed and developing countries, pinpoint key state, business and citizen benefits, and offer tangible recommendations on best practices for developing a healthy ecosystem for efficient collaboration between government and GovTech firms.


About Deep Knowledge Analytics Pharma Division

In 2018, Deep Knowledge Analytics aggregated its industry intelligence relating to the AI in Drug Discovery, Pharma and Advanced Healthcare under the umbrella of a new Pharma Division. Deep Knowledge Analytics Pharma Division reports have been covered widely in the media, including Forbes and the Financial Times. More recently, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) acknowledged Deep Knowledge Analytics as a “top think-tank”  in the pharma analytics space. Its reports have been recognized by industry experts and executives as the dominant source of sophisticated industry analysis, pragmatic forecasting and tangible benchmarking on the AI in Pharma sector.​


Deep Knowledge Group IT-Department – Advanced Big Data Analytical Dashboards

In 2021, the IT-department of Deep Knowledge Group is releasing a number of Analytical Dashboards on the topics of AI, Longevity, GovTech, COVID-19, Blockchain, HealthTech and others, aggregating the full suite of its IT solutions for advanced data visualization and tangible Big Data analysis developed over recent years into a single ergonomic and streamlined technological ecosystem. The dashboards will enable complex interactions between industry entities and stakeholders to be visualized, filtered, searched and thus more easily understood, enabling low-cost and high-speed access to bespoke online live reporting, Big Data analysis, smart matching, competitor and investor matching and market intelligence on developments in  the technology and industrial ecosystems various DeepTech sectors in order to promote cross-sector haronization and optimized strategic decision making

Innovation Eye

Innovation Eye is a joint venture of Big Innovation Centre and Deep Knowledge Analytics to provide sophisticated market analytics, industry intelligence, comparative industry classification frameworks and benchmarking case studies on a number of innovative sectors. The company unites the quantitative analytical frameworks and IT solutions of Deep Knowledge Analytics with the policy, governance and strategy resources of Big Innovation Centre, which specializes in digital transformation and future proofing corporate businesses models, and it is the appointed secretariat for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) and Blockchain (APPG Blockchain). The focus of Innovation Eye is to provide industry-leading analysis and visualization of technology and innovation ecosystems through reports, custom-made consultancy products and services, and dynamic interactive online IT-platforms in order to optimize the strategic agendas of international corporations and technocratic governments seeking to implement, stabilise and optimise their global positions in advanced technology-driven industries. 

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