Absolute BL – 3 Will Be Free
3 Will Be Free
OMG, I just watched 3 Will Be Free and it is ADORABLE.
Why did no one tell me how good it was?
Oh wait.
People did.
Why didn’t I believe them?
Anyhoozle…. GAH SO CUTE.
Miw Neo Shin forever!
And yes, I DO think that’s how the name should go, since it’s a V and Neo is in the middle and Miw is clearly the seme of the equation. So she’s first.
#MiwNeoShin Live!
I love them.
But especially Shin. Precious baby must protect at all costs.
I’m done getting all over excited now.
I will return you to your regularly scheduled boys in binary after I get over how cute this series was. Here, have some #NeoShin while you wait.