Accidently reset asus bios

when you reset the bios, all setting on the bios is changed to the default. some of this settings needs to be set up properly according to your hardware.
even if the default setting is ok for your current hardware, most mobo will halt you at post screen to warn you that the bios is reset, sometimes you can just ignore the warning by following the instruction on post screen (most screen will tell you; F1 to continue, F2 to load last optimal setting or Del to enter Bios).

i suggest you enter the bios, read your mobo manual on how to enter this (most mobo it’s by pressing del or F2 key while on post screen, but it may differ), look for a menu that says “load last optimal setting” or something like that.

or change the important setting manually, which is for me the HDD priority(if you have multiple HDD pick the one that has the OS installed), Boot Priority, System Time (there’s still loads of things but those are what i consider the most essential).

save and exit the bios to see if the system will now post and boot normally.


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