Aqua Affinity Enchantment in Minecraft | What does it do?
Mục Lục
Q. What enchantment lets you see underwater?
Unfortunately, there is no enchantment that allows you to see underwater. There is the potion effect of night vision or conduit buffs that allow you to have perfect vision underwater, but there is no armor enchantment that will grant this bonus to you.
Q. Can you get Aqua Affinity from Villagers?
Yes, occasionally you will come across a librarian villager who will offer Aqua Affinity I on level 4. You may also find an armorer or leatherworker who will sell an enchanted helmet that has a chance to generate with the enchantment on it. This is an unreliable way to obtain Aqua Affinity as you have to max the villager’s profession level and hope that the armor piece they are selling happens to come with Aqua Affinity.
Q. What is the best enchantment in Minecraft?
Mending is by far the best enchantment in Minecraft. Whereas it does not affect the utility of the tool or armor, it essentially makes the durability infinite and you can rely on keeping that item as long as you keep an eye on its durability bar. Due to its near-infinite capabilities it is also very difficult to find as you cannot get mending from an enchantment table.
Q. What is the difference between Respiration and Aqua Affinity?
Aqua Affinity will only affect your mining speed underwater. Respiration on the other hand will allow you to stay underwater longer. Each level of respiration will make your breath meter deplete slower.