Aqua Color – Learn all About the Various Shades of Aqua

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The beautiful color of aqua brings us to the sea and the wonderful shades of aqua witnessed as the waves break on the shore. As we venture deeper into the sea, we start noticing that two specific aqua color combinations are more noticeable than others, aqua-blue and aqua-green colors. Join that up with a majestic sunset and you would be hard-pressed to see anything more beautiful. As we explore this wonderful world of the aqua color, we hope that you will have the inspiration and confidence to use this color to lighten up any lifestyle.



The Aqua Color

The word aqua gets its name from the Latin word for “water”. Naturally, when we think of water, we have memories of the sea. From the breaking of the waves right through to the deep blue ocean. The aqua color is called cyan. The cyan color can be found between the green and blue on the color wheel.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorCyan#00FFFF100, 0, 0, 0224,255,255


If you choose aqua colors for the interior of your home, aqua colors are a great choice because they encompass both modern and vintage designs and will work well to incorporate pops of color into dull colors or where you want the eye to focus. The aqua color combinations work well in an interior space in the home and keep their vibrancy for many years.

Aqua BlueAqua Blue



Shades of Aqua

The aqua color means peace and stability. It is a color that brings rejuvenation and happiness. This is a very popular color used for painting the interior of wellness centers as the color promotes healing and feelings of well-being. The aqua color promotes feelings of inner peace. If you are attracted to the aqua color and the aqua color combinations, it reflects a caring personality and also enhances empathy. The colors turquoise as well as aquamarine form part of the aqua color code. There are so many variations and shades of aqua, and we list a few of the colors of aqua, that fall into the aqua family.

Monochromatic Aqua Blue

Monochromatic Aqua Blue


Aqua Green

Aqua-green color, as the name suggests, has a lot of green tones in the aqua color combinations. The aqua-green colors match up perfectly with colors such as pink, yellow-orange, and teal.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorAqua Green#00FFEA100, 0, 8, 00, 255, 234Pink#FFC0CB0, 25, 20, 0255, 192, 203Yellow-Orange#FFAA330, 33, 80, 0255, 170, 51Teal#008080100,0,42,250,124,128


aqua greenaqua green


Aqua Blue

The aqua-blue color is the opposite of the aqua-green color, in that it has a bluer undertone and is often described as cyan in the business world. Should you be looking for ways to use this shade, the aqua-blue pairs beautifully with canary yellow and coral pink.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorAqua#00FFFF100, 0, 0, 0224,255,255Coral Pink#F883790, 47, 51, 3248, 131, 121Canary Yellow#FFEF000, 6, 100, 0255, 239, 0


Aqua Color CombinationsAqua Color Combinations


Aqua Lake

The aqua lake color represents a color that is almost a teal shade, but it has hints of a blue undertone. It is not as dark as tea, but not as light as sky blue. It is a color often used in children’s rooms or even in classrooms.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorAqua Lake#30949D69, 6, 0, 3848, 148, 157


Dark Aqua BlueDark Aqua Blue


Deep Aqua

A much-loved shade of aqua is deep aqua. The deep aqua is a dark color and has a slightly greener undertone. When used for interior decorating purposes, this color will add sophistication to a room. Again, it is also a firm favorite for children’s spaces.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorDeep Aqua#00BCBC100, 0, 0, 260, 188, 188


Shades of AquaShades of Aqua

Aqua Foam

There is a color called aqua foam in the interior design world. The aqua foam color belongs to the aqua family and is considered a cool color. The aqua foam color is not your typical aqua-green color but rather a light gray-cyan color and forms part of the aqua-green family. This color pairs up very well with all shades of gray and brings instant warmth and coziness to a room.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorAqua Foam#ADC3B411, 0, 8, 24173, 195, 180Cerebellum Gray#C8C7C90, 1, 0, 21200, 199, 201Dim Gray#6969690, 0, 0, 59105, 105, 105


Mixing Your Own Aqua Color

To mix the aqua color yourself, you will be looking at a combination of a light shade of blue and green or alternately a fair amount of blue with a little amount of yellow. Well, what color is aqua then? Is it blue or is it green? Aqua is light bluish-green in color and sits between blue and green.

Mixing Aqua Blue PaintMixing Aqua Blue Paint



Other Uses of the Aqua Color

Are you planning on using the aqua color in your home design? Perhaps you would love to wear this beautiful bold color and have no idea what to pair it with. We have listed other ways to use the aqua color and how to get the best results when choosing colors to go with aqua.


Using Aqua Color Combinations in Interior Design

Because of the energetic tone that you get from different shades of aqua, it acts as a brilliant color to create accents in the home when paired with a neutral color such as camel. The aqua color is clean and often takes one back to happy days at the ocean so the color is regarded as whimsical in many ways. When combining the aqua color with darker hues such as midnight blue, the palette then becomes sophisticated. We do not recommend that an entire room is painted out in aqua colors as it could become outdated very quickly but using the aqua color codes as pops of color to a corner will enhance any space.

Interior Aqua Green ColorInterior Aqua Green Color

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorCamel#C19A6B0, 20, 45, 24193, 154, 107Midnight Blue#08113B78, 78, 0, 568, 17, 59


Remember, there are various aqua color codes. Either you are looking at a green hue or a blue hue. Both of these colors complement each other. In interior design, it is recommended that a choice is made to use either an aqua-blue or aqua-green color to enhance the room using only one shade of aqua at a time.

The aqua color is cool. Other examples of colors that are considered to be cool are green, blue, teal, and emerald while examples of warm colors are red, gold, pink, and peach. In neutral spaces such as the bathroom, where the dominant color is white, adding shades of aqua colors as accent pieces to the cooler white tones will enhance the room and aqua color combinations will be shown off to their best effect.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorWhite#FFFFFF0, 0, 0, 0255, 255, 255


Aqua Green ColorAqua Green Color

Our best color combination would have to be aqua and heather gray. This is considered a bolder color scheme in interior design and you will always create a bit of drama by pairing up these two colors. Painting a feature wall in a bedroom, in a dark gray color and then placing a nice long tubular aqua glass vase next to it with beautiful white flowers will add to the drama. An aqua blanket thrown over a gray or white sofa will give the feeling of coziness and relaxation.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColorHeather Gray#9C9DA45, 4, 0, 36156,157,164


Bright-Aqua Color CombinationsBright-Aqua Color Combinations


The Aqua Color in Jewelry

Aquamarine is a very light version of the aqua color family. The color has more green than blue, with a small mix of red in the color combination. It is extremely difficult to distinguish the two colors from each other. All the aqua color codes and aqua color combinations have associations with water and factors such as how deep the water is or how shallow it is, will change the shade of aqua that you are looking at. Light also plays a major part in determining the different aqua colors. What should be remembered is that the aqua family consists of aqua-green colors as well as aqua-blue colors.

Aqua color combinations are created in jewelry and are called aquamarine. The word aqua marina in Latin means, sea, and water. Whilst the aquamarine gemstone is not as valuable as the diamond, it appeals to the masses because it is the one thing that can add a pop of color to any outfit without a lot of effort. The aquamarine gemstone dates back many centuries and it was believed to have been worn by the Romans and Egyptians of ancient times. The aquamarine gemstone carries many superstitions and beliefs. Ancient civilizations believed that the gemstone made from aquamarine would increase intelligence levels and create happiness, while others believed that wearing the aqua color stones would heal sore throats and treat upset tummies.

aqua jewelryaqua jewelry

The same aqua color combinations are carried through to the aquamarine gemstones. Some gemstones range from very pale blue right through to the dark aqua-green color. The darker, greener tones of the aqua, are seen to be more valuable than the lighter-toned aqua colors.



Aqua and Your Personality

If you are drawn to the aqua color combinations, you are most probably a gifted and creative individual with many varied and great talents. The aqua color is soothing, revives the soul, and brings the comfort of home to your mind. Those who are drawn to aqua-green colors and aqua-blue colors have a good eye for design with artistic abilities and choosing a career in the design industry would be beneficial. People who are drawn to the aqua color combinations are magnets for people as they are drawn to your personality and the warmth that you display to others. The person is a natural-born leader who shows confidence and communicates clearly with others.

aqua personalityaqua personality

Aqua reminds us of everything clean, it reminds us of everything happy. The memories of going to the beach for annual holidays invoke feelings of a carefree time, where the weather was perfect, the sun shone high in the sky and all was good. Just looking at the sea, the aqua colors are evident around us and the shades of aqua add to the tranquility of your day. Summertime and the beach are almost always happy places and incorporating the aqua color into any lifestyle will give you a spring in your step. The aqua color will give purpose but above this, the aqua color will give happiness and laughter and reminders of the carefree times in our youth. We hope that this article will give you a new zest for life, a new zest for being glad to be alive. Now let’s go and aqua the town!



Frequently Asked Questions


Is the Aqua Color Similar to Turquoise?

The aqua color combinations and turquoise are very similar, although turquoise is lighter than the aqua color. Turquoise can be seen as being a little greener when comparing it to the aqua-blue color. These two colors are often confused as the same, but if holding the two colors together, aqua-blue will have noticeably more blue tones than the turquoise color.

Aqua Color CodeAqua Color Code


What Color Is Aqua?

The question of what color is aqua is very relevant however the answer can be a bit blurry in its exploration. It is a color that is very similar to that of cyan color. Cyan can be found in between the green and blue of the color wheel and because these colors are so closely related, the two colors of cyan and aqua can be used in a web design as interchangeable colors.


What Is the History of the Aqua Color?

In Latin the name for water is aqua. The aqua color is a real color and in the web world, the aqua color and cyan are identical. The aqua color is a secondary color on the RGB color model for web design. The HSV color wheel for the aqua color is exactly halfway in between the blue and green colors. Aqua is a dreamy color that invokes good feelings from youth and time spent at the coast. The aqua color invigorates.

What Color Is AquaWhat Color Is Aqua


In Which Paintings Can the Aqua Color be Found?

The most famous water ocean paintings carry the aqua color in them. Monet’s modern art, as well as Impressionism art, incorporated a fair amount of aqua color combinations in them. Other beautiful seascapes using different shades of aqua are painted by Frederic Edwin Church who painted the beautiful painting in 1861 named The Icebergs and Fitz Hugh Lane, who in 1869, brought to life with aqua colors a painting called Be Calmed Off Halfway Rock. In the literature world as well as in the art world, water represents change. Water is, of course, continuously flowing and it symbolizes purity. In historical paintings and Renaissance pieces, water represents cleansing.


What Colors Look Best With Aqua?

Aqua colors pair up well with gold and other aqua color combinations – aqua complements dark blues and reds very well. The aqua color is not regarded as a theme color and would work well as a pop of color when pairing it with neutral colors such as light beige or creams. aqua-blue works well with all shades of gray and surprisingly orange is a great color that teams up well with both aqua-blue and aqua-green tones.

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