Assignment 1: What I don’t like about science | General Biology 1 and Math 1175

Please write 4 short paragraphs by September 11.

  1. Tell me why you (don’t) like science
    • use valid reasons → Should not write “it’s boring”, “it’s hard” or “it’s not part of my major” (this will result in deductions)
  2. Tell me why you (don’t) like math (same rules apply)
  3. Tell me what you do like (outside of science) and why
  4. Tell me if science and/or math plays a role in your life (if at all) and what aspect of science you are interested in.

Leave as a comment to this page and make sure I have a way to identify you if it is not obvious from your display name. If I can’t identify you, you can’t get credit.

While you won’t get any extra credit, feel free to constructively comment on your peers’ entries. This is an attempt to create a useful conversation so that we can all meet each others’ needs in the context of learning Biology.

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