Backing Tracks in A Minor – Nick Neblo – Learn Through Practice

Free for personal use instrumental backing tracks in A minor. This is a YouTube playlist to practise A minor scale. For guitar and players of all instruments. Also for singers who feel at ease singing in this key.

You can save these playlists and easily change the order add tracks. Backing tracks in A minor is also on Spotify.

Buy backing tracks in A minor from BandCamp

Special section FOr Guitar and Guitarists

To jam you can use either A minor pentatonic or A minor. Below you can find the scales.

A Minor – Little mental exercise first

Now check

A Minor Pentatonic

For beginners: start practising with A minor pentatonic and once you get confident try A minor.

For advanced learners: you can also use A harmonic minor if the tracks in A minor contain the chord E major or E major 7th. Remember to use A harmonic minor only over the chord E major and/or over the chords which do not include the note G, e.g, G major, D major, E minor, etc…

To help me continue making these tutorials and tracks, you can download these backing track in uncompressed lossless high quality *.wav and *.flac on BandCamp as well as many others.

Here’s a video and tutorial to help you listen and memorise A minor scale ( click on minute 0:52) on your guitar fretboard. You can also watch the whole video which includes 0:19 C major | 0:52 A minor | 1:21 G major | 2:12 E minor | 2:54 F major | 3:27 D minor | 4:09 D major | 4:51 B minor

Finally, more ideas, tips and tricks for musicians are available on my website.

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