Blog2Social – Schedule post to social media like Facebook, Auto-post to Facebook, share blog posts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram – How to connect and automatically post to Facebook groups

How to connect and automatically post to Facebook groups

Connect your Facebook groups to Blog2Social to post directly and automatically to your chosen Facebook groups. You can post to your own groups as well as groups you are a member of.

  • Post in multiple groups simultaneously
  • Schedule all your Facebook group posts in advance
  • Use the auto-poster to automatically post your new blog post in all your Facebook groups
  • Tailor, schedule and share your content to each group individually 

Please note:
Group administrators need to add third-party apps in the group settings. Please add the Blog2Social app to the group settings of your own groups. We will show you how to do this in this FAQ. If you want to post to a group you are a member of, please ask your group administrator to add the Blog2Social app to the group settings.


Admin or member rights? – That’s how it works

You can connect any Facebook group with Blog2Social that you are the administrator of. Even if you are only a member of a Facebook group, you can connect it to Blog2Social.

Your own groups or groups with admin rights

  1. Connect in your WordPress backend Blog2Social with your Facebook groups.
  2. Add the Blog2Social app in your Facebook group settings.
  3. There you go. Now you can post your blog posts and content automatically with Blog2Social.

Groups you are just a member of

  1. Connect your Facebook groups to Blog2Social in your WordPress backend.
  2. Ask the admins of the group to add the Blog2Social-App in their groups.
  3. (Admins add the Blog2social app).
  4. You are activated as a member of the Facebook groups.
  5. The admins have granted writing rights to their group members.
  6. There you go. Now you can post your blog posts and content automatically with Blog2Social.

Note: Every Facebook group has its own specific set of rules. Please make sure to read those rules carefully before posting in Facebook groups to prevent being blocked from a group. Learn how to optimize your posts for the target group in a specific Facebook group in our FAQ:
How do I customize my social media posts individually?


How do I connect Blog2Social with Facebook groups?

You can connect any Facebook group with Blog2Social that you are the administrator of. Even if you are only a member of a Facebook group, you can connect it to Blog2Social. However, posting will only be possible if the admin adds the Blog2Social app in his Facebook group settings.

To connect Blog2Social with Facebook groups, please go to “networks” within your Blog2Social Dashboard. Here you find an overview of all the networks you can connect with Blog2Social. To connect Blog2Social with your Facebook group simply click on “+group”.


A separate window will open and ask for your Facebook login data. If it’s the first time you connect Blog2Social to your Facebook groups, Facebook will ask you to approve the connection.


Please make sure to set the checkmark for all your groups so you can choose to connect all of them later on. Then click on “OK”.

Please note: You need to tick all the groups you want to connect to Blog2Social, so they show up in the drop-down menu. If you forgot some groups, here is how you can choose them again:
Delete all your Facebook connections in Blog2Social in your WordPress backend.
Open a new tab and log into your Facebook account on
Click on the black arrow at the top right of your Facebook navigation bar to open a drop-down menu and select ‘Settings’.
Click ‘Business-Integrations’ on the left side menu.
Scroll until you find Blog2Social (if necessary click on “show all”), check the box next to the app and click on “Remove”.
Log out of Facebook
Go back to your WP and connect your Facebook accounts, groups and pages again with Blog2Social and make sure that you grant Blog2Social all rights to access your accounts, groups and pages.

Afterward, choose whether you want to connect your own group or a group you are a member of.


Connect your own group or groups with admin rights

Click on “Select own manage group”. Your own groups can now be accessed via the drop-down menu. You will be able to choose all the groups you approved access for in the first step.

  1. Open the drop-down menu to select the group you want
  2. Click “Authorize”

Make sure the app has been added to your Facebook group settings.


Connect a group you are only a member of

If you don’t have admin rights but you are a member of a Facebook public group, you can select “Add public group”, then:

  1. Insert the URL of the group in the “Auto-detect Group-Id” in the box and click “scan URL”. Group Name and ID will be added automatically.
  2. Click “authorize”

Make sure the app has been added to your Facebook group settings.


How do I add the Blog2Social app to Facebook groups on Facebook?

Group administrators need to add third-party apps in group settings. Before posting to a Facebook group for the first time, please make sure that the Blog2Social App has been added to the approved apps in the Facebook group settings.

1. Please go to your Facebook group where you will now find the menu bar on the left and scroll down to “Settings”. 



2. Scroll down to “Advanced Settings” and click on the pencil at “Apps”. 



3. Please click on “Add Apps” in the window. 



4. A new page will open which leads you to the Apps. Please enter “Blog2Social” in the search bar and click on the “Blog2Social App”.



5. Now you can click on “Add” and the Blog2Social App is successfully added to your Facebook group.



If you want to post to a group you are a member of, please ask your group administrator to add the Blog2Social app to the group settings.


How to schedule and tailor your posts for multiple Facebook groups

You can automatically share your blog posts and images in all connected Facebook groups with Blog2Social. You have two general options for sharing your content. You can simply auto-post and auto-schedule your posts to multiple Facebook groups at once whenever you publish a new blog post, or you can individually tailor and schedule your posts individually for each Facebook group and then share them automatically. These are “auto-posting” and “custom sharing and scheduling”.

Follow the instructions on how to auto-post and auto-schedule blog posts on social media with the Social Media Auto-Poster to learn step-by-step how to auto-post on Facebook groups.

If you want to tailor your social media posts before posting, a one-page preview editor allows you to do this in one easy step for all of your Facebook groups. You can add comments, hashtags, and handles and schedule your posts individually for each Facebook group.

  • Select the format for your posts. Facebook allows different post-formats for your posts. A photo post focuses on the image and saves it in your Facebook albums. A link post links the selected preview image directly to your blog posts. Select the option that is best for your purpose.
    Learn more about how to select the post-type for your Facebook posts.
  • Engage in ongoing discussions in a Facebook group. Then it’s more likely that other group members engage with your posts. We recommend adding specific comments to your posts. Suppose, a group member asks a question you answer in a blog post. Refer to this question in your comment.
    Learn more about how to customize social media posts individually.
  • It’s very important to use visual triggers in social media. Images and graphics let you stop while scrolling down your news stream. And they are crucial, whether you click the detailed view or the posted link. Blog2Social gives you the choice to select the best image for every single post.
    Learn more about how to share individual images on social media.

How to successfully post to Facebook groups -Tips and tricks

Facebook groups are a great way to share blog posts, news, thoughts, or links with people who share your interests. Facebook groups focus on discussions with other Facebook members. Therefore, publishing to Facebook groups is particularly successful when the published content is valuable, informative, and useful to the community.

Unlike all other marketing channels, in Facebook groups, you can get in touch with users, who are not yet following you but share your interest in a specific topic. This is why posting in Facebook groups has a great impact on your outreach.

When posting in Facebook groups, please make sure to adhere to Facebook’s policies regarding Pages, Groups, and Events as well as their general terms of service.

If the exact same content is posted in many Facebook groups, the quality of the groups suffers because the content is not tailored to the respective group.

Here are 4 tips for publishing blog posts in Facebook groups:

Tip 1:
Focus on Facebook groups that are relevant and active. Make sure to choose groups that focus on your key topics.

Tip 2:
Publish content tailored to group members and topics. Participate in existing discussions with comments, likes, and recommendations.

Tip 3:
Don’t post promotional and too “salesy” content in groups, but rather publish topics that are informative, interesting, and helpful to the readers of the group in the sense of “content marketing”.

Tip 4:
Vary your comments and adapt them to the specific readership of each group.  . . You can even upload a specific image for each of your posts.
Blog2Social provides many options for customizing your social media posts for your Facebook groups: Learn how to customize social media posts individually.

More tips for connecting your website with Facebook

Tags: connect, Facebook, Group, posting, share

Tags: Auto

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