Collective Nouns For Animals: 57 Animal Group Names✔️

Want to impress whilst on a safari game drive? Here’s the perfect list to brush up your knowledge of collective nouns for animals you might see. (Not sure what a ‘collective noun’ is? Easy, it’s simply the name for a group of one particular type of animal.)

Names for collective groups of animals are thought to date from The Book of Saint Albans, published in 1486 by Dame Juliana Berners, where many of the words used for animal groups were chosen purely for the humorous images they conjure up, or the alliteration.

Whilst some names for animals are general and can be used for any subject – swarm, herd, etc. – many other animal group names are specific to just a single animal type.  Everyone knows that a group of lions is called a pride… but did you know that a group of rhinos is a called ‘crash’ or a ‘stubbornness’? How about the collective noun for elephants? (Herd, or memory.)

There are some more real gems of names for groups of many safari animals below, so have a read and let us know what you think:

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