Creating a Sudo-Enabled User – IONOS Help

CentOS 7, CentOS Stream 8, and CentOS Stream 9

To assign sudo privileges to a user in CentOS 7, CentOS Stream 8, and CentOS Stream 9, you must add the user to the wheel group. To add the user to this group, enter the following command:

[root@localhost ~]# usermod -aG wheel USERNAME

[root@localhost ~]# usermod -aG wheel jsmith

To check if the change was successful, enter the following command:
localhost:~ # groups USERNAME

localhost:~ # groups jsmith

Debian and Ubuntu

To assign sudo privileges to a user in Debian and Ubuntu, you must add the user to the sudo group. To add the user to this group, enter the following command:
[root@localhost ~]# usermod -aG sudo USERNAME
[root@localhost ~]# usermod -aG sudo jsmith
To check if the change was successful, enter the following command :
localhost:~ # groups USERNAME
localhost:~ # groups jsmith


Suse Linux

To assign sudo privileges to a user in Suse Linux, do the following:

  • Locate the system-group-wheel and system-user-mail packages. To do this, enter the following command:
    localhost:~ # zypper se wheel mail

  • To install the packages, enter the following commands:
    localhost:~ # sudo zypper install system-group-wheel
    localhost:~ # sudo zypper install system-user-mail

  • Open the /etc/sudoers file using the vim editor. Enter the following command:
    localhost:~ # visudo

  • Make sure that the commenting has been removed in the following lines. If necessary, remove the # character at the beginning of the line: # Defaults targetpw # ask for the password of the target user i.e. root
    And also this line:
    # ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL # WARNING! Only use this together with ‘Defaults targetpw’!

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