Diamond Head – Am I Evil? Lyrics Meaning
This song has been banned in some places lol
My mother was a witch, she was burned alive.
Thankless little bitch, for the tears I cried.
Take her down now, don’t want to see her face
All blistered and burnt, can’t hide my disgrace. (his mother was a witch and this is when the witch trials were going on)(he was put to disgrace and left alone by everyone when he was young(because of his mother)
Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see ’em make ’em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time. (he wants to kill all of the people who treats him bad and also who killed his mother)
Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am. (he is saying he is evil because he is also into witchery)
As I watched my mother die, I lost my head.
Revenge now I sought, to break with my bread.
Taking no chances, you come with me.
I’ll split you to the bone, help set you free. (he is talking about how he was forced to watch her get killed)
Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see ’em make ’em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time. (same)
Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am. (same)
On with the action now, I’ll strip your pride.
I’ll spread your blood around, I’ll see you ride.
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat.
Like a double dozen before ya, smells so sweet. (he is taling about how the smell of the peoples blood will sooth him)
Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.
I’ll make my residence, I’ll watch your fire.
You can come with me, sweet desire.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home. (he is talking about how life(who is “whore”) will make him fade in history)
Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man. (same)
My soul is longing for, await my heir.
Sent to avenge my mother, sweep myself.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home. (he is the avenger for his mother)
Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man. (same)
Am I evil? Yes I fucKing am.
Am I evil? I am man, yeah (same)