Elite Dental Group : Home




 Implant Special

Single Dental implant for $2,299.00 each. Includes the implant, bone grafting limited to 0.5mg, abutment, and crown. Custom abutments are extra. Consultation fee of $50.00 which includes: Exam & xray, which will be credited toward the cost of the the implant if our office does the work.

Our regular cash price $3,499.00
Pay Groupon $39.00 for a $1,200.00 discount
Pay our office a final price of $2,299.00 for each complete dental implant.

No Insurance accepted with Groupon discount!!!



Deep Cleaning Special

Bitewings, Debridment, Irrigation, Prohy, Nitrous, Topical Anesthesia, Local Anesthesia, Perio Charting, & etc are not part of the special.  Perio Charting (Less than 2 years old), & Bitewings (That are less than 6 months old) are required.

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