Examples of ‘fond of’ in a sentence | Collins English Sentences
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He grew avocados in the kitchen and was fond of house spiders.
As he is fond of pointing out, he is not an accountant.
We were all growing fond of you.
I’d grown fond of them both, and it was a wrench to leave.
They would not be so fond of losing hard-earned benefits.
We are not nearly as fond of enforced leisure as we think we are.
This demon is fond of words such as ‘idea’, ‘tendency’, ‘influence’, ‘period’, and
And yet he’s fond of built-up areas too.
He is fond of fruit, particularly melon.
I’m not massively fond of live television.
Varoufakis is the first to say that no one should grow too fond of power.
He is fond of asking how many other clubs have a record to match?
They met at a deli and grew fond of each other.
The left is very fond of pointing out contradictions.
He is fond of referring to himself in the third person.
He was especially fond of invoking the prospect of people resorting to cannibalism.
Having a song that people are really fond of is a gift.
They are not fond of me.
She was also very fond of a naval captain who was more like her – buoyant and slightly
He was fond of me.
They will take consolation from the people fond of declaring that they have done fantastically
well without a university education.