Facebook Group Hack : How Can I Hack Any Facebook Group

Facebook Group Hack : How Can I Hack Any Facebook Group

Let’s come to the point without wasting any time.

Here are the 3 ways, I found for hacking any Facebook group.

  1. Steal the group by social engineering…
  2. Hack the admin account and grab the group…
  3. My attack…

Steal the group by social engineering:-

Since most of the users are Beware of social engineering… etc so you can’t target everyone, thus it is not possible to target any group and capture. ☹ ☹

Hack the admin and hack the group:-

The Bullshit ….. As you know hacking individuals is quite difficult, especially if one has little knowledge about techs.


My Attack:-

As many of you know that if any group has no Admin or moderator Facebook says, “ This group needs an admin. ”

And if you are a member of that group you can claim yourself as an admin.

I thought, Can I create a situation in which the group has no admin or moderator? And I said yes I can… I can create this situation by disabling all the admins’ and moderators’ accounts simultaneously.

Hmmmmmm, There are several steps to do that (Disabling some Facebook accounts simultaneously), But I’m not going to explain it here!

I wanted to go further and I created a new test group, added some members to it including my personal account as a member and I disabled the account (which was the admin of the group), I entered the group with my personal account and I saw that Facebook is saying that this group needs an admin….

So one thing I confirmed is that they have made it in such a way that if a group has not any admin available (no matter if it has admin but his/her account is in a temporarily disabled state), it will be available for new admin claim….

I just claimed myself as an admin…….

Since a disabled account can be recovered by submitting government proof, I recovered my disabled account that was previous admin but wtf I saw there, my previous admin account (Group creator and previous admin) was not acting as an admin anymore to the group after my account recovery, This gave a conclusion to me that using this attack I can target any group… I didn’t stop, I targeted a 1.3 million members group that had 4 admin and one moderator only, I disabled all 5 accounts simultaneously and took that group. One of the admins of that group recovered his account but he found himself no more admin…. he came to me (as I was the new admin of his group) and started begging… I returned back his group and then I thought I should report this issue to Facebook.

I just reported it to Facebook for adding the feature that once a group is being hacked by disabling all the admins and moderators accounts simultaneously, then after recovery of admin account from disabled state he/she will still stay as an admin even after new admin claim has done by me (or any attacker)…

Here is the Initial response . . .

That’s all, they said… it is just an attack which is a misuse of Facebook feature of admin claim when no admin is available. . . Also, he said,“ disabling the users in the manner I described in the report is considered a social engineering attack against Facebook users and infrastructure”…..

I replied to them … I request Facebook for adding the functionality (that is after recovery of the admin account, he/she will still stay as an admin even after a new admin claim by an attacker), they replied…

I understood, they are not going to do it…

So now it’s clear since this issue isn’t related to any software bug, they will not care over it…

Then I closed the report too.

Update (26 August 2019)

And Now This Issue Has Been Fixed By Facebook, so please don’t ask me on my social media accounts to hack or recover any group or page.

Thanks for reading! if you wanna contact me visit: https://www.facebook.com/s1ayerrohit

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