Genius Hack: Share Your Sign Up on Facebook

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Genius Hack: Share Your Sign Up on Facebook

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online sign up tips ideas share Facebook event messenger link FAQ

Facebook is a powerful network that connects people — and a helpful tool whether you’re recruiting volunteers for your nonprofit or coordinating meals for a family in need. Check out three ways you can easily share your sign up on Facebook to increase your reach and event’s success.

Option 1: Post a link to your status update on your personal or group page

If you want to share your sign up as a Facebook status, enter the unique URL into a post on your timeline or on a group page that you manage. This will create a pop-up icon that others will be able to click and view to access.

Once the icon appears, you can delete the URL (people will still be able to click on the linked icon) and add any additional text.

online sign up tips ideas share Facebook event messenger link FAQ

If you need to locate your sign up link, log in to your account and click on the live sign up that you want to share. The URL in your web address bar is the unique link to the sign up.

Option 2: Create an event and include a link for a sign up

When you create an event on Facebook, you can include links in the event description. Simply paste the unique URL into the text description, and people can sign up from there!

This is helpful if you want to invite specific Facebook friends to a party such as a potluck at your house or ask for volunteers at an event such as a local 5K race.

You can also make your event private for a small group or public to attract more people.

online sign up tips ideas share Facebook event messenger link FAQ

After the event is created, you can also share the sign up link as a post within the event (similar to a post on a group page).

Option 3: Share your unique link in Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a great option when you want to quickly invite people whose email information you might not have. Paste the same unique sign up link into an individual or group Facebook message. (You can save groups in Messenger if they’re people you’ll be communicating with on a frequent basis.)

Extra Tips

You can also set up your sign up so that anyone who signs up is automatically added to a SignUpGenius group if you want to communicate by email going forward. (Learn more about organizing sign up groups here.)

To set this option up, go to the global settings page in your SignUpGenius account (Settings > Sign Ups tab). At the bottom of the default settings, you’ll see Automatically add people who sign up to the group. If you want the setting to apply to all sign ups, check the box and lock the lock icon.

If you only want the option on a specific sign up, uncheck the box and unlock the lock icon.

If you left the global setting unlocked so that you could choose which sign up to apply it to, head to the sign up you’re working on and go back to the Settings tab for your sign up and check the box under the preferences area.

add email addresses to group settings selection

Need even more ways to share your sign up? Check out these tips.

Create a Sign Up

Posted by CG Kennedy

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