NEW: Open PhD and Postdoc positions in the framework of ERC advanced grant.
In our group, we experimentally study electronic transport, material properties, and energy conversion at the atomic scale. Specifically, we look for exotic nanoscale material properties, fabricate and operate molecular quantum machines, and develop new ways for alternative energy production in atomic and molecular structures.
• For example, we found that quantum interference in single-molecule junctions can generate spin-polarized currents without magnetic components. These findings promote nanoscale spintronic manipulations with the freedom to use nonmagnetic materials.
Nonmagnetic single-molecule spin-filter based on quantum interference
Pal A. N., Li D., Sarkar S., Chakrabarti S., Vilan A., Kronik L., Smogunov A. & Tal O. Nature Communications. 10, 5565 (2019).
• In another project, about 100 years after the discovery of shot noise and thermal noise, we identified a fundamental electronic noise contribution that is activated by temperature difference across electronic conductors. This noise can now be used to probe temperature differences at the nanoscale without the need for sofisticated nanoscale thermometers and promote the design of modern nanoscale electronics.
Electronic noise due to temperature differences in atomic-scale junctions
Lumbroso O. S., Simine L., Nitzan A., Segal D. & Tal O. Nature. 562, 7726, 240-244 (2018).