How To Say “I’m On My Way” In Spanish – Speak Better Spanish

How do say “I’m on my way” in Spanish?

Because the language has such a rich vocabulary, there are many possibilities for saying “I am on my way” in Spanish. The expression can have slightly different translations depending on its usage and tense, and is mostly used as the equivalent of “I’m coming.” I made a list of 7 translations for “I am on my way” in Spanish, and came up with some helpful examples.

7 ways of saying “I’m on my way” in Spanish

Let’s assume you’re heading out to meet up with your friends and you want to let them know you’re on the way. As I said above, there are 7 different fun ways you can do that:

1. Casi salgo

This one is very useful for when you’re just about to leave the house or another place. It’s actually translated as “I’m about to leave.” Casi means “almost” and salgo is the present form of the verb salir (“to leave”) in the first person singular. Let’s take an example: Ya casi salgo del trabajo. (“I’m almost about to leave work.”)

2. Ya voy saliendo

Another way of saying “I’m on my way” is Ya voy saliendo, which means “I’m leaving now.” An example would be the following: ¡Hola, Ruth! ¿Te falta mucho? Hace media hora que estoy esperando – No, no, ya voy saliendo. (“Hey, Ruth! Will you take much longer? I’ve been waiting for half an hour! – No, no, I’m leaving now!”)

TIP: Saliendo is the present participle (also called gerundio in Spanish) of the verb salir. Spanish participles are good for forming compound verbs or are used as adjectives. If it helps, check out the verb conjugation of salir here.

3. Voy en camino

Voy en camino is a popular way of saying “I’m on my way.” You’ll probably hear it a lot from your Spanish friends, and it means “I’m on the way.” Here’s an example easy to remember: Voy en camino al cine. Te encuentro allí. (“I’m on my way to the movies. I’ll meet you there.”) Camino is a Spanish masculine noun that means “road” or “path,” while voy is the present form of the verb ir (“to go”) in the first person singular.

4. Ya salí

Ya salí means “I already left” or “I already went out.” Salí is the preterite form of the verb salir in the first person singular, and ya is one of the most popular filler words for Spanish speakers. The meaning of ya varies greatly from context to context. Check out my tips on how to sound like a native Spanish speaker by using filler words in your conversations.

Let’s take an example with ya salí: ¿Estás todavía en el supermercado? – No, ya salí. ¿Querías algo de allí? (“Are you still in the supermarket? – No, I already left. Did you want anything from there?”)

5. (Ya) Estoy en camino

You can either say Ya estoy en camino or simply Estoy en camino. Both work and mean the same thing: “I’m on my way.” It’s similar to Ya voy en camino, also when it comes to its popularity. Here’s an example: ¿A qué hora vas a venir? – Estoy en camino. (“What time are you coming? – I’m on my way.”) To sound more naturally, also check out how to say “now” in Spanish. By the way, estoy is the present form of the verb estar (“to be”) in the first person singular.

6. Ya estoy yendo

This one means “I’m already going” or “I’m coming.” Let’s see an example with this saying: Vale, ya estoy yendo. (“Okay, I’m coming.”) Yendo is the present participle (also called gerundio in Spanish) of the verb ir (“to go”). It’s similar to the example above of saliendo from Ya voy saliendo (see Tip).

Let’ see the last way of saying “I’m on the way” in Spanish:

7. Ya voy para allá

Ya voy para allá means “I’m on my way now.” Here’s a good example with this expression: ¡Hola, Hannah! Salgo para el teatro. La obra empieza en media hora. – ¡Hola! Ya voy para allá. (“Hi, Hannah! I’m leaving for the theater. The play starts in half an hour. – Hi! I’m on my way now.”) Allá (pronounced ah-yah) is a Spanish adverb, which means “there” or “over there.” It’s a useful one to remember, especially for indicating space.

That’s it! There are 7 ways you can say “I’m on the way” or “I’m on my way” in Spanish. Which one do you use the most? ✍️ Drop your answer in the comments.

Don’t forget to check out the video below to learn more about “on my way” in Spanish:

P.S. You can book a free consultation with me if you want to learn how to speak (better) Spanish.

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