How Workato helped Central Group put their employee experience at the center of their digital operations | Workato

Central Group’s HR team used Workbot to build a Leave Bot. Now, employees can apply for time off with just a few clicks, via the Workplace chat. Once a request is submitted, Workato routes the request to the line manager via Workplace to ask for approval.

When the line manager approves the request, the employee receives a notification of leave request approval via Workplace as well. The leave request and approvals process is now easily done through the chat platform. This eliminates the need for employees to log in to SAP SuccessFactors to perform this request (1 system less to manage!).

Now, employees can submit their health declaration forms in just a few clicks, via the Workplace chat. Once the form is submitted, Workato picks up the data on the backend, identifies any COVID risks / cases, and notifies the HR team and respective line managers via Workplace. The bot also sends out automated questionnaires to keep track of employees in quarantine. With these datas, Workato generates a COVID Status Daily Report that is automatically sent out via email to the relevant stakeholders.

In addition, the HR Team can broadcast any COVID-related news / changes in protocol, all via the bot. Employees can also use the bot to update their vaccination statuses.

Since implementing Health Bot, the HR team has access to real-time data on employee’s health statuses, and can easily identify employees who are in critical COVID zones. This further allows them to provide the timely support needed to ensure their employee’s well-being and safety, while keeping the business productive.

With Chom Bot, Central Group’s HR team streamlined the employee appreciation workflow and brought greater visibility to the employees at different levels – formal and informal, managers and peer-to-peer.

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