How to Play the “Who Am I” Game (with Pictures) – wikiHow

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Article Summary


The “Who Am I” game is a fun party game where players try to guess what famous person they’ve been assigned by asking yes or no questions. To play, gather a group of friends and decide on a category or theme. For example, you could do historical figures, celebrities, or movie characters. Then have each player write down a famous person that fits with the theme on a sticky note. Distribute the sticky notes face-down to the group so everyone has one. Each player places their sticky note on their forehead without looking at it so the rest of the group can read what it says but they can’t. Take turns going around the room and asking one yes or no question at a time about your assigned figures. For example, players can ask questions like, “Am I female?” or “Am I still alive?” to help deduce who they’ve been assigned. The rest of the group must answer their questions honestly. When someone thinks they’ve figured out what famous person they are, they can guess on their turn. If they guess right, they remove their sticky note. If they guess wrong, they stay in the game and keep asking questions. Keep playing until everyone has correctly guessed which famous person they were assigned. To learn how to play “Who Am I” with variations, read on!

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