How to configure Sign In with Apple

Going through the Apple official docs and configuring this seems to be a tedious task atm. So here I will quickly guide you through the basic setup 🙂

One of the interesting things Apple rolled out at their WWDC19 conference was “Sign In with Apple”. Which is an authentication service provided by Apple where developers can allow users to sign into their applications with an Apple Id.

Well, that’s pretty much it with configurations.

Now we need to create a secret key that will be used to get our client_secret which will also be needed to make a token request from the Apple.

Now we need to obtain a Services Id. This will also serve as the cliend_id when you will be making API calls to authenticate the user.

We will need to obtain an App Id with “Sign In with Apple” capabilities.

alg - The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the token. This will be ES256.

kid - The 10 charachter Key ID of the private key you create. You can get it from
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Keys > (click on the key you created).

iss - 10 character Team ID give to you. You can find it here

- 10 character Team ID give to you. You can find it here

iat - I ndicates the time at which the token was generated, in terms of the number of seconds since Epoch, in UTC.

exp - Indicates the expiry time of the toke n expiration, in terms of the number of seconds since Epoch, in UTC. Accroding to the docs the value must not be greater than 15777000 (6 months in seconds) from the Current Unix Time on the server.

aud - The value of which identifies the recipient the JWT is intended for. Since this token is meant for Apple, use

sub - The value of which identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT. Use the same value as client_id as this token is meant for your application.

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