How to make changes to groups | WhatsApp အကူအညီစင်တာ

How to make changes to groups

How to make changes to groups

By default, any group participant can change the group subject, icon, description, or send messages. However, a group admin can change group settings to allow only admins to edit group info or approve new participants.

Change group info

Change the group subject

    • Menu (Group info.

      Alternatively, click

    Open the WhatsApp group chat, then click the group subject.

  1. Edit


    • The subject limit is 100 characters.

    • Emoji

      You can add emoji to your subject by clicking the

    Enter a new subject, then click the gray check mark

Change the group icon

    • Menu (Group info.

      Alternatively, click

    Open the WhatsApp group chat, then click the group subject.


    Hover over the icon, then click

  2. Choose to View photo, Take photo, Upload photo, Emoji & Sticker, or Web Search to add a new image or Remove photo. Web Search is only available on WhatsApp Desktop.

Change the group description

    • Menu (Group info.

      Alternatively, click

    Open the WhatsApp group chat, then click the group subject.

  1. Edit


    • Emoji

      You can add emoji to your description by clicking the

    Enter a new description, then click the gray check mark

Approve new participants as a group admin

If Approve New Participants is turned on in Group Settings, admins must approve anyone who wants to join the group.

  1. On the Chats tab, below the group’s name there will be a notification if there are pending requests.

  2. Click the pending requests message to access Pending participants.

  3. If you approve someone, they’ll be added to the group. If you dismiss their request, they won’t be added.

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