How to reset BIOS on ASUS F5?

On SOME computers (usually higher-end models) BIOS passwords are stored on chips designed to even meet Department of Defense standards (still not always perfect as this post will show, but hard enough to keep out most ordinary users), and are stored in secure chips. Although you may find a complicated hack on the Internet, requiring some electronic equipement and skill to execute (I will post an example below to show how much skill is involved, but it is not specific to your computer, and a link to free software for reading the chip), for the most part, this is beyond most people’s capabilities…and that is a big “IF”.

This issue is not solved by removing a battery or removing jumpers on the board.

For the most part, the solution ends up being replacing the motherboard, OR replacing the chip. I found a company on eBay that sells these chips (not too expensive at all), and they specialize in writing replacement chips, and could POSSIBLY send you a new chip, and instructions on how to replace it. (free software to read the chip)

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