How to use “appreciative” in a sentence

How to use appreciative in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word appreciative? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

We were noisily appreciative of this, and spent much time sitting around on Midsummer Common, and toasting Heather’s brilliant supportive role.

Mr Cunningham stood there, an amused, appreciative look on his face as his gaze swept my almost bare figure.

Unknown singers hoping to be tomorrow’s megastars play their hearts out for appreciative beer drinkers and cigarette smokers.

In a seller’s market for skilled workers, employees are more demanding about what they want and less appreciative of what they get.

Surely, the Congress should be sensitive and appreciative of the hostility to foreign troops.

Both teams squared away the three-game test series in front of appreciative crowds.

If you are a reader of these papers and would like to pass on the tokens, the students would be most appreciative.

We would have to say they were the best behaved and appreciative guests we have ever entertained.

I shimmied back over to the piano and held my glass out to the appreciative audience.

One of the newer members made an excellent speech of his travels abroad bringing forth much laughter from his appreciative audience.

A packed house was very appreciative of the fashion displayed and all the models got a great reception.

The Queen and the Duke chatted to local residents and received gifts and bouquets of flowers from an appreciative crowd of several hundred.

Lifting her snifter, she took an appreciative sip of the rare tequila, letting it blaze a path down her throat, its warmth enveloping her.

This is the first time Pierce has become involved in sponsorship with the club and St Michael’s are very appreciative of his involvement.

I’m forever appreciative of the great academic education spearheaded by the Norbertine fathers.

If anyone wants to come over to my house in a cute nursey outfit and tend to me, I would be most appreciative.

Nonetheless, the date featured a stellar line-up of talent and those in attendance were quite appreciative.

I’m especially appreciative of the fact that sock number two is striping the same as sock number one.

The guys let out appreciative hollers as Elizabeth stepped up onto the stage.

I hope to get a small distributor and look forward to lots of festival, cinematheque and museum screenings with small but appreciative audiences.

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You have no idea how appreciative we are, especially when the children have to come with us.

The smokers in the room were most appreciative of her cognisance of their plight!

His eyes twinkle like a fairy-tale grandfather’s in his round, tanned face and he makes a kind of slurping, appreciative sound.

Thank you indeed Portugal, from an appreciative Scottish nation delighted with their efforts last Monday.

The bands performed for a small yet appreciative crowd, and did not compromise on energy or passion.

Developing an appreciative taste for minority cuisines may be an important first step toward combating hatred.

With the gallery six deep from tee to green on every hole for those two rounds, Jack’s farewell drew an appropriate and appreciative audience.

Why oh why is the nation not more appreciative when he deigns to confer his unique insights onto our lesser minds?

I know some of you have made heroic efforts to get here, and we are very grateful and appreciative of that.

She is also very appreciative of what you do for her and is grateful for my interest.

I’m very much a nature person, aware of life all around me and appreciative of creatures and plants, great and small.

The Gujaratis are a friendly, appreciative lot of people, hospitable but at the same time they practised simplicity and sobriety.

Serve with salad, crusty bread and Chardonnay to two appreciative flatmates.

Particular thanks go to the Summerland Rockers who jived and rocked their hearts out to a very appreciative audience.

I have seen her tame a noisy rock audience into a state of appreciative adulation.

Just to whet our appetites, and to make us more appreciative of history in the making.

We are appreciative of the Australian government’s reaction to the situation.

Further, the Premier is appreciative of the fact that, to date, no one has succumbed to the actions being recommended by this user.

He could be quite cheeky and a bit cussed sometimes, but he was always polite to me and very appreciative of everything.

There are patients who are appreciative of nurses helping them through their stay in hospital.

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It was too little, too late but the home support were appreciative of the late heroics even if their championship dreams were over.

Substituted in the 75th minute, he received a standing ovation from fans appreciative of his contribution.

Most people are very appreciative of what we do and that is very rewarding.

He was resistant at first, but soon became a careful dresser and appreciative of his wife’s flair for interior design.

The money was fantastic but, in reality, I was more appreciative of the recognition it signified.

They’re very acceptable to what we’re doing and appreciative of what we’re doing for Scottish football.

Old people have been particularly appreciative of the girls’ offers to collect pensions and do shopping.

I had the distinct feeling that they weren’t all that interested in, or appreciative of, the heritage in their charge.

And for once I was actually appreciative of the early finish since I’ve been on my feet all day.

In the end the audience is also appreciative of people who are so undisguised.

People would be more mellow and more appreciative of the things around them.

I would still recommend living and working abroad as it has made me more appreciative of the things I have got back home.

Their gig last month at the Sugarbowl drew an appreciative packed house of roots music aficionados.

There is a fair amount of ludicrous drag, broad farce, heart-rending, bosom-heaving dramatics and pithy asides to an appreciative audience.

When you get there, a jazz group is quietly playing Scott Joplin to an appreciative audience lounging on the grass.

So the final shock is that the quintessential Manhattanite is looking beyond New York to a Europe which seems more appreciative of his talents.

There was much appreciative uproariousness when I asked for seconds.

Despite their legendarily long sets, there’s usually never more than a few seconds of dead air between songs, time enough for Dallas to thank the appreciative audience.

The official, a career diplomat who speaks fluent French and likes to vacation in Italy, sat back and took an appreciative sip from his glass of good red wine from Bordeaux.

After being told I was dying, I now feel very appreciative of everything.

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I knew that birding with such a diverse assemblage of people would be a challenge, but I also knew that they’re all intelligent and appreciative folk.

That’s the kind of Sunday matinee it was for leading man Moya, filled with his Sunday punches and appreciative hurrahs from would-be honeybunches.

A math professor at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif., Benjamin has brought his particular brand of prestidigitation to a wide variety of appreciative audiences.

We know that Perth isn’t the biggest place in the country, but we know the fans that do come out are very appreciative of what we are trying to achieve.

The headmaster and students were very appreciative of the Braillewriters, however, they could still benefit from the donation of additional Braillewriters.

Filat said Moldova was appreciative of U.S. assistance but more help, especially on the security side, would surely be welcomed.

I am so appreciative for the ability to be able to provide services, as every affiliate is.

Daughters Malia and Sasha are appreciative of the president’s uptick in fashion-forwardness too.

The audience at both showings I attended burst into appreciative applause, alive to the fact that they were being teased.

I am incredibly appreciative, but manage to only muster a weak smile.

For example, Irish step dance, Appalachian clogging and a new generation of inventive and streetwise tap artists began to find appreciative audiences.

While the place was jumping and filled with appreciative listeners, the rest of the pub, with its sad Sky TV and pool table, was an echoing canyon.

But once the lights dimmed, it was an appreciative audience that clapped through the show including those who had been yawning because of the delay.

Molly and Billy were very appreciative of gifts bestowed on them and were delighted that the Hospice was a worthy beneficiary as a result of their own enjoyment.

The audience is rapt, breaking several times into appreciative applause.

A more appreciative customer for one’s handknits cannot be imagined.

The parents who had come to visit the school were equally appreciative of the effort the staff had made to make the day come alive for the children.

It was gratifying that people in the district were appreciative of the services that Pride Zambia was providing and that they were playing their part by repaying the loans.

What may seem to prejudice a reader’s full and appreciative view of her as a key figure amongst Dickens’s women characters is her determined eccentricity.

Also crowds are appreciative of effort and that is what I give.

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Spokeswoman Devora Kaye says the department is ”deeply appreciative of this kind gesture.

All the reviews of the work were positive, with critics especially appreciative of Burke’s quality of writing.

Of his abilities as a lawyer, Bracton’s appreciative citations speak eloquently.

He was similarly appreciative of them and gave them due credit for policies where he had used their advice.

His contemporary Francis Gentleman, an admirer of Shakespeare, was much less appreciative of this play.

Her performance was very well received by an appreciative full house.

God thus explains His revelations to you, that you may be appreciative.

But Jane and Jacob are going to have quantities of champagne. Not tipsy, you understand, but at their best, and unguardedly appreciative of each other and us.

Examples from Classical Literature

In the hideous church is a monument to him fairly appreciative, but disfigured by snobbism.

The Leopard Woman sat her donkey, and surveyed it all with appreciative eyes.

Against these he could inveigh with surety, at least, of an appreciative audience.

But the appreciative reading of any work of literature cannot thus be prescribed.

Tesla fastened a repugnantly appreciative eye upon her, as if he were becoming privy to an exclusive secret.

The French are very appreciative, from the poilu up to the highest officers.

He said praiseful and appreciative things about the girl, but didn’t dwell upon that detail or make it prominent.

The old, black hag shook with appreciative laughter, disclosing an occasional and lonesome yellow fang.

He was very genial and very appreciative of what we had done, and took off our hands all cares as to details.

They all laughed, not boisterously, actually an appreciative laugh.

Mrs. cutler gave a full and appreciative review of Mrs. Gage’s life.

For appreciative criticism of some of the great poets the essays of Lowell and of Matthew Arnold are among the best.

We are sincerely appreciative of the generosity of Bob and Carrol Padgett, and everyone that joined us at Arts Alive for a spectacular event.

He would sit and gaze at281 me in the most soulful, appreciative way.

Boris smiled circumspectly, so that it might be taken as ironical or appreciative according to the way the joke was received.

But these disused gasometers could appeal to adventurous urbanites appreciative of extraordinary design and experimental communality.

Current single Lump In My Throat was another off kilter riff-driven tune, the intensity all too apparent to the appreciative crowd.

Their heritage made them less than appreciative of urban life.

His lordship, remember, never lacked an appreciative eye for a fine woman.

The author is an appreciative Englishman, and tells his story well.

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At Coldwater, in spite of its name, I found a warm, appreciative audience.

It was so soft and unexcited and appreciative gave a favourable interpretation to everything.

Pumblechook, as to a man whose appreciative powers justified the inference that he was equal to the time.

His influence was immense both in Japan and in the West, where his pots found an appreciative and emulative audience.

Out shuffled the lama to the main hall, and, the Curator beside him, went through the collection with the reverence of a devotee and the appreciative instinct of a craftsman.

As the six evenings had dwindled away, to five, to four, to three, to two, I had become more and more appreciative of the society of Joe and Biddy.

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