I Am A Comeback Program Review: 8 Things You Should Know [2022 Update]

Have you ever had a hard-time quitting alcohol? Or, have you noticed that your drinking is getting out of control lately? 

The way things are in the world today, it’s not surprising. But alcohol abuse can lead to very dangerous and counterproductive situations for you and those around you. 

And that’s exactly when I Am A Comeback comes in. 


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This program aims to help you break out of the loop through a series of online lessons focused on alcoholism rehabilitation. 

If you need it, or know someone who may need it, the first thing you may wonder is: 

Does it really work? Is I Am A Comeback worth the time AND money? 

In today’s review, we’ll help you find out the truth behind the I Am A Comeback program.

Let’s get started.

1. What is I Am A Comeback?

In a nutshell, I Am A Comeback is a rehab training program that provides online support, resources and tools to help those in need avoid the hassle of having to sign up for conventional groups. 

This means that instead of having to leave your home and get to a support meeting every time, with I Am A Comeback you can beat alcoholism in a more structured way from the comfort of your home. 

The main program goes for 45 days and you’ll get a bunch of video lessons and tutorials with actionable steps you can take to make a change. 

But for those with more difficulties, there’s also a 6-months option named the Comeback Seven that comes with a mix of educational videos, fitness and spirituality lessons.

2. Who created I Am A Comeback?

The creator of this program is Mark Jennison.

Mark Jennison was an entrepreneur and business owner with a dark side: he struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction. When his wife discovered that he was still using drugs, she left him along with their children, and he lost his business.

For three years, Mark tried everything to get clean, but he kept relapsing due to a lack of self-confidence. 

After reflecting on this pattern, he realized that the problem wasn’t alcohol itself; it was the reason why people drink in the first place. 

To address this root cause of addiction, Mark developed the I Am A Comeback.

Mark jennison net worth:

While his exact net worth is not publicly available, it’s clear that he has built a successful business as an online coach and entrepreneur. Mark has helped countless individuals achieve their goals and improve their lives through his coaching programs. He is known for his practical advice, motivational speaking, and genuine passion for helping others. Whether you’re looking to start a business, improve your health, or overcome a challenge, Mark Jennison’s coaching programs can provide you with the tools and guidance you need to succeed.

3. What’s inside I Am A Comeback?

So, here’s what you’ll get if you join the I Am A Comeback program: 

  1. Actionable 6-weeks online program on retraining your brain 

  2. Access to I Am A Comeback’s FB private community

  3. Weekly live calls with former members of the program who are now sober

  4. An assigned personal coach

Sounds awesome, right? 

But, what’s inside their program? Let’s break it down:

I Am A Comeback Course Content

Week 1

The first week of the I Am A Comeback program focuses on helping you develop the right mindset -cause that’s really what’s all about when it comes to rehab, right?


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This is probably one of the most important parts of the course, since you need to be convinced you can go through the process, quit alcohol and change your life. 

Week 2 

The next step is to get to know you on a deeper level. This means you’ll need to detail your story, what made you start drinking, why did you get addicted, what are your habits, your triggers, etc. 

This is useful not only for the I Am A Comeback team (this way, they’ll be able to provide a more personalized coaching), but also for you, so you can have a better understanding of yourself.

Week 3 

In this third week, you’ll mostly touch the same topics you learn about during your first week, but you’ll get a more in-depth training on building your confidence. 

Week 4 

Week 4 focuses on making you develop new hobbies or activities that could keep you from getting back to alcoholism. 

They’ll give you plenty of ideas and help you figure out what’s best for you. 

Week 5


This week they’ll make you face whatever it’s standing between your new life and you -those things that kept you from overcoming your addiction. 

Week 6 

Week 6 is the last week of the I Am A Comeback program, and it’s all about control. 

You’ll get a few activities that aim to help you build up your discipline and keep going in the right direction. 

4. Good things about I Am A Comeback

  • You get accountability and encouragement.

The first thing you get as a member of I Am A Comeback is support from Mark Jennison and the group. 

You’re not alone in this, and he wants you to know that.

This means you’ll have someone who cares about your success. Mark has been through struggles myself, and he knows what it’s like to feel discouraged or overwhelmed by a problem you can’t overcome on your own.

  • It’s flexible and fits into your life.

You can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening. You can do it while you’re at work or while you’re watching TV. You can do a little bit every day, or all at once on Saturday morning. 

You can even do it all over again – every time you feel like you need to. It’s designed to work around all different kinds of schedules and lifestyles. 

The program is not just for newly sober people, but for anyone who needs to recover from anything that keeps them stuck in their own heads, or causes them to lose focus, get overwhelmed or get off track

  • You can work on your goals in a way that makes sense for you and your life.

You can work on your goals in a way that makes sense for you and your life. 

There are no rules about what you have to do, or how many goals you have to set, or when you have to set them; you get to choose what’s going to work for you in your own life.

  • You get to know other people who have been in your shoes.

You’ll get access to the Facebook group for members of I Am A Comeback. 

In this group, you can share your goals and progress with other members so they can cheer you on to success (and hold you accountable if you start slacking off!).

  • The program is highly structured, yet focuses on day-to-day issues that people with addictions face.

The program is highly structured, yet focuses on day-to-day issues that people with addictions face.

Participants have a clear view of the program’s goals and expectations.

The program uses a proven 12-step approach, which has been successful for millions of people recovering from addiction.

There is an emphasis on personal responsibility for each participant’s recovery.

Each participant works with a peer mentor who has completed the program and is living in recovery.


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The program encourages participants to take part in other recovery activities and support groups outside the online program.

The curriculum includes discussions of spirituality, but it does not teach any particular religious doctrine.

5. Bad things about I Am A Comeback

  • It’s not cheap

This program isn’t cheap. You’re going to need to fork out a few hundred dollars, which is a pretty big commitment for most people. 

But here’s the thing:

There are many programs out there that are way more expensive and they don’t even come close to being as good as I Am A Comeback.

In fact, I think it’s pretty damn cheap considering the incredible value you get.

6. How much does I Am A Comeback cost?

The cost of the I Am A Comeback program depends on how you want to be coached and access the content. 

For $3,000, you’ll get access to the private Facebook community group and unlimited personal coaching. 

For $5,000, you’ll get access to everything, including the I Am A Comeback’s 45-day program, videos, unlimited coaching sessions that are recorded and accessible online, and more.

7. Is I Am A Comeback a legit program?

When you first look at the I Am A Comeback program, it’s hard to believe that it can actually help you quit drinking. You see the price, and you think that it’s just another scam website trying to make money off of people who have a drinking problem.

But after doing some research, it turns out that this I Am A Comeback program is legit and tons of people have gone through it. 

8. Takeaway: Do we recommend it? 

Have you ever been to a point in your life where you want to give up?

Do you feel like nothing is going right and that’s how it will always be? 

If you do, then I Am A Comeback is a good program for you, and we recommend you to at least try it out. 

As the name suggests, it’s a program that helps you make a comeback in your life, even if you’re on the verge of giving up. It teaches you how to live a sober lifestyle by dealing with the root of your problems. 

You see, our body has a natural tendency to avoid pain and seek pleasure. But when things don’t go our way, we resort to drugs or alcohol to numb ourselves from all the pain. 

And this creates an addiction loop for us. 

This program aims to end that cycle by letting us face our problems head-on and cope with it healthily.

The way we see it, I Am A Comeback is perfect for people who are suffering from substance abuse or addictions, whether it be cigarettes, drugs, alcohol or food. 

It also works for those who have emotional problems such as sadness, depression, anger issues or hopelessness. 

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