I Am Hero Review – Hardcore Droid

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Band of Misfits

A colorful RPG with colorful heroes and villains greets the player in I Am Hero: AFK Tactical Teamfight by Imba. Fight enemies and earn rewards to improve stats as they make their way through various stages and chapters. To quote one hero, “Let the games begin!”

Hero Mania


Though I Am Hero drops you into a fight right away, a tutorial is provided to help. There are four heroes at the beginning, each with their own skills and abilities. They are Durin the Mountainsmith, Balerion the Dragon, Kha the Barbarian King and Ruvina the Fairy Sorceress. In Campaign, tap their photo icons to place them on the map and watch them fight various enemies. Eventually you’ll be able to fight with seven heroes at a time. From catapults pulled by warthogs to bomb-dropping chickens, there are no foes your heroes can’t defeat. But if they want to stay that way, their stats must increase. Battles won earn gold and EXP, used to increase attack power, defense, and max HP, along with their hero level. Gear also improves their stats and each hero is equipped with different Gear, such as wands and armor. These are also won after battles.

Each hero, already physically different, are further separated into races and classes. The races are Beast, Demon, Elf, Goblin, Human, Naga, Undead, and God, while classes are Assassin, Ranger, Knight, Mage, Mech, Warlock, and Warrior. For example, Balerion is of the Beast race and Ranger class, and Ruvina is an Elf of the Mage class. Over fifty heroes can be collected by completing stages, chapters and quests. They can also be summoned and bought with gems from the Store. Gems are earned the same way gold and EXP are, and can also be bought with real money. Considering gems are easily earned for free, purchasing them isn’t necessary. Lastly, heroes are also collected by opening the AFK rewards chest. When not playing, heroes fight enemies and add rewards to the chest, usually gold, EXP, and gear. The longer you’re away from the game, the more rewards you’ll earn.  

Graphically Gorgeous


Since there are multiple heroes to collect, I Am Hero could’ve fallen into a copy-paste format with their characters. Female characters especially have been through this in games for many years. Thankfully, each hero looks and sounds as unique as real people, even the women. Colors are bright and practically pop out of the screen, whether its hair or clothes. If characters have the same hair color, then each character has a different style. Plus, different and detailed clothing like armor and robes tell you something about a hero’s personality. Beyond looks, each hero has one catchphrase they say when you go to upgrade their stats. The phrases differ in length and pitch depending on who’s saying what, further coloring their personalities. It’s easy to guess what a character is about when they say things like: “Scream for me!”



You’d be hard-pressed to find anything negative to say about I Am Hero, but here’s a minor note. I almost expected there to be a story to go along with the diverse cast of characters. Many RPG’s out there at the very least have interesting cutscenes. This RPG, however, is just gameplay, upgrade heroes, gameplay, upgrade heroes, etc. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but I can’t help but feel a story would’ve made it that much better. I was left with a hollow feeling after realizing it was just another fighting game.

Fight with Honor (and Magic)

I Am Hero: AFK Tactical Teamfight is a colorful RPG filled with equally colorful characters. Fight enemies, earn rewards and upgrade your hero roster for countless hours of entertainment. Though there’s no story, gamers will have a hard time putting this one down.

Is it Hardcore?



Graphically stunning characters with multiple opportunities to win rewards make for a delightful gaming experience. While the absence of a story feels like a missed opportunity, it is a minor drawback in an otherwise superb RPG.

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