I Am a Hero Chapter 264 Discussion
We never learn what happened to the guy with the boat for example, we don’t know what happened to the little girl who escaped with that random Kurusu(?) either… I guess the aliens just decided to use the girl who got rejuvenated for breeding instead? Also what happened to that group is just… bizarre. Frankly I’d the last we see of them was when that guy says Hideo was his hero, would’ve made for one hell of a book end.
Also why the fuck did the 3 Kurusu’s fuse into one entity? How does that even work? And more importantly, what even are Kurusus?
I guess that’s okay in a sense, not everything HAS to be resolved, but at the same time it feels as if this series had done a really good job so far in tying loose ends so it’s kinda out of place…
The one thing that really bothers me though is how Hideo completely forgets WHY he was chasing that giant ZQN, you know, to save the girl. Never one does he mention it, he just decides to shoot it, and he doesn’t think much of it afterwards… I mean, it’s not like there was anything else he could do but some inner monologue about it would’ve been nice.