I am appreciated or I appreciate – What’s the difference? – One Minute English

I am appreciated or I appreciate – What’s the difference?

“I am appreciated” means to receive the appreciation and “I appreciate” means to give appreciation.

“Appreciate” means to give value to something. We often use “appreciate” when we want to show that we recognize the value of something.

Appreciation is the noun and Appreciative is the adjective.  

I am appreciated

“To be appreciated” means that you receive the appreciation. We often use this in the negative to mean that people do not value our work.

I am not appreciated by my boss. 

He is not appreciated by anyone. 

This is using the verb to appreciate in the passive voice which you can read more about here. 

We also use “appreciated” with the verb “feel”

I never feel appreciated at work. 

I appreciate

“I appreciate” is a regular active voice form of the verb and follows a regular pattern in English where the subject(in this case “I”) does the action.

The context that we use this is also related to people and the work they do, but can also be used in contexts such as art or music to show that you have a deep understanding of something(but might not necessarily like something)

I appreciate all the work that you do for me.

I appreciate art.

“I appreciated” is the past simple form of “I appreciate” 

Appreciative or appreciated?

“Appreciative” is an adjective that means grateful.

He is very appreciative of everything you have done for him.

“Appreciated” is when someone recognizes your value. 

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