Inspiration from 300 Examples of Appreciations

I really want to thank you for taking the time to invest your heart, mind, body and soulloving me when no body else did. You brought back to me all those wonderful feelings and emotions that I once lost to never to be felt again. in the dark skys of my heart you brought light. and colored my life in such a way that I cant find words to explain these feelings in which im still learning to accept./td>

  • I sincerely appreciate you my son and thank God for having enabled me to give birth to such a wonderful person.

  • I think you are a great husband

  • I truly appreciate you for having dinner made for me when I came home from work yesterday. I appreciate you having my lunch for today ready to go. I also appreciate you for laughing and joking around with me while we made my toppings with ice cream last night. I truly appreciate all the little things like that you do for me while you are trying to make my life as stress free as possible. Thank you and I love you, with all my heart.

  • I want to say thank you for carrying on trying for us. I know how hard it has been for you and I do understand your frustrations. Thank you for sticking with it and being open to trying different things to try and make it work with us. I appreciated it in bed last night when you said you wanted a cuddle and understood how I was feeling, how you checked it was ok to touch me and talked about that and checked it was ok to carry on. It made it easier for me and helped me deal with my feelings. I enjoyed feeling close to you and being able to do that.

  • I want you to know that i appreciate that, even when the rest of your world seems to be a whirlwind around you, you make such a conscious effort to connect with me and include me in your day.

  • I want you to know that one of the biggest things I appreciate is the person you are. We all have faults and flaws and insecurities. But you are so willing to help me work through mine and I want nothing more than to give you the same. You are this incredibly strong and passionate woman, and I know it will just be a matter of time before you once again start to feel good about yourself again. I believe in you…

  • I’m happy that you’re willing to give our relationship a chance.

  • I’m happy to be adopted.

  • I’m very proud of the way our yard is looking. It must have been difficult to mow it three times! It looks so much better!! Great job?

  • I appreciate how you get up daily to go to work and provide for our family regardless of how you feel or if it is cold, hot, or rainy.

  • It made me feel like you cared when you called to see how my foot was feeling a couple of weeks ago.

  • Just wanted to say that I appreciate your texts in the morning when you are at work. I don’t want you to think that they are a bother or an annoyance because they aren’t!

  • I really appreciate all the effort you put in raising our kids in a very stable and solid family environment. Thanks for make me feel that I am the most important person in your life and that for demonstrate your love to me with every single day with your kindness and understanding.

  • Thank you for all the effort you have put into getting us back on track. You made the first steps and you have been open and honest and spoken about some things that I know are difficult for you and I appreciate it. Thank you for staying calm when we spoke the other nite and for steering us away from a row.

  • Thank you for all you do to make our home, the yummy home cooked meals, the tips on healthy living and frugal living. I love our mutual appreciation for the spiritual path we are on. I love and appreciate the care and tenderness you show in loving and appreciating me.

  • Thank you for being attentive to all our needs. You make a great effort in making our family work. Thank for always being there.

  • Thank you for being the love of my life and allowing me to come back into your life.

  • Thank you for folding the laundry, I really appreciate that. It was a mess of clean clothes in laundry room. Thank you.

  • Thank you for giving the time to try and drive round the course with me. I appreciate that as it was a big chunk out of our day and I had already been for a ride in the morning. Thanks for being so understanding about my training as I realize it does take big chunks out of our day. I appreciate all the efforts you are making with our relationship and I know you find some of the stuff really hard to talk about and I know you do try to make things better. I know making love isn’t easy because of the feelings it stirs up in you. Thank you for all that you doing and the lengths you go too, to try and make things right. I understand how fustrating it is for you that I cant say things you need to hear but I will keep trying to get it right.

  • Thank you for letting me know what you were doing last night.

  • Thank you for sharing these apps with everyone.

  • Thank you for talking to me yesterday about the pain you are suffering. I know that it is not easy and I do appreciate it. I didn’t walk away yesterday. I just wanted a moment to collect myself as I am aware that I don’t want to seem I am reacting in the wrong way and want to stay in control of myself and like you have said just a moment away gives us time to collect our thoughts. I hope it was the right thing to do. I enjoyed the meal and time we spent together yesterday. I also appreciate yesterday that when we were getting a bit heated in the car and we agreed to disagree and moved on and continued talking about other stuff. I felt that was really positive.

  • Thank you for working hard for our family each day and coming home to help out with cooking, homework, and cleaning the home.

  • Thank you for your concerns and compassion! Thank you for raising 4 great kids! Thank you for being near me and walking with me ALWAYS! I appreciate that you clean up the kitchen each night and water the plants. I appreciate that you keep the house clean–even working on Saturdays to clean the floors and bathrooms and for washing the clothes. I love you!

  • Thanks for a wonderful Turkey date, the food and set up was amazing. The rolls were mouthwatering. It was great to spend the day with you and our family.

  • Thanks for always taking good care of us and being there when we need you.

  • Thanks for doing Scouts activities with our children!!!

  • Thanks for not getting upset this morning I understand your frustrated. I am trying to do my best.

  • Thanks you for being my friend.

  • That you took care of me before you left and made sure I would survive.

  • The way you laugh,sing,play with dogs the way you take care of me and the kids and the way you still love me, because I will always love you.

  • Very much appreciate that you did the closet when I asked you too. Very much appreciate that you took on the extra class as well as tutoring. Appreciate it when you free and or walk the dogs without me having to ask.

  • You are a great father and I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to call and text.

  • You are a great father and work hard to give us what we need and want. You have tried a lot over the past year to change and improve our relationship

  • You are a great mother, wife, daughter, and friend. I appreciate the steps you have taken to better yourself and win a part of you back. I appreciate you giving us another chance and for letting me be in the house with you and the kids.

  • You are foxy and smart.

  • You making me tea. You helping me with losing my keys, then putting a screw in the wall.

  • You’re a great person super hot funny smart but crazy too so I stay excited and interested.

  • You’re a great mom. Fabulous cook, creative in jewelry design and with your clients. I appreciate your sense of humor and dedication to your family.

  • Your willingness to be vulnerable by making me important you.

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