Is It Correct To Say “I Myself”? (15 Examples Of Usage & Punctuation)

There are plenty of pronouns in English to learn. You’ve got object pronouns, subject pronouns, and now there are reflexive pronouns to worry about. The word “myself” is one such example of a reflexive pronoun, so let’s look at whether the phrase “I myself” is correct to use.

Is It Grammatically Correct To Say “I Myself”?

“I myself” is grammatically correct because “myself” is a reflexive pronoun which reflects on the subject of a sentence. Starting a sentence with “I myself” works, but some people change it and put “myself” at the end. An example could be “I myself do this” or “I do this myself.”

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What Is The Point In Saying “I Myself” Rather Than “I”?

Some people believe that there isn’t much of a point in using “I myself” in a sentence. It’s up to you whether you like using it. Most people believe that the “myself” portion of the phrase is redundant because “I” already covers the subject.

However, “I myself” is often used to emphasize the sentence or statement that follows. Rather than simply saying “I don’t like that idea,” saying “I myself don’t like that idea” shows that you’re really against the idea put forward.

“I myself” is used to emphasize your point and is most commonly found in speech rather than writing.

You can rarely use “I myself” in writing, especially in formal settings. You might find it written only in novels (and that’s usually only when people are speaking). Otherwise, you’re best to use it in speech. It’s much easier to stress the word “myself” when talking to make sure your emphasis is understood.

Examples Of How To Use “I Myself” In A Sentence

Now that we’ve covered whether it’s correct, it’s time to look through some examples. We believe that examples are some of the best ways to learn all there is about the language. With these helpful sentences, you can know exactly when the word might be used. Pay attention to the context so you can see when you can use it yourself!

  1. I myself don’t think you should go into that abandoned warehouse.

  2. I myself love the idea and think you should go through with it.

  3. I myself think you’re making a mistake.
  4. I myself need to find out what they’re talking about.

  5. I myself hope you’ve got it figured out before they come over.

As you can see from each of these examples, it’s most common to use “I myself” to stress your point. Whether that point is negative or positive to the conversation is irrelevant. It’s a perfect way to add emphasis, and you’ll often be saying it to other people to show what the emphasis is.

What Is The Correct Punctuation For “I Myself?

What about punctuation, then? We’ve talked about using “I myself,” but are there any other ways you can write it using punctuation? Some people think that a comma should separate the two words “I myself” to make for a proper flow in the sentence.

Correct: I myself think you’re wrong.

Incorrect:I, myself, think you’re wrong.

Correct: I myself think you need help.

Incorrect:I, myself, think you need help.

To make a long story short, you never need a comma between the words. Using “I myself” as written is perfectly fine for punctuation rules.

However, it’s worth noting that a lot of people prefer splitting up the phrase. So, “I myself think you’re wrong” becomes, “I think you’re wrong myself.”

It’s up to you which way round you want to have your phrase. Whether you pluck the clause from the end of the sentence and put it in the middle doesn’t change things. Either way, you’ll mostly be using this language idea when you’re speaking, so things can change all the time. No native speaker follows exact grammar rules when talking.

Is It Correct To Say “I Have Myself”?

The phrase “I have myself” is a simple way to say that you’re not alone and you’re more than happy with spending time in your own company. Most people wonder about the phrase because it’s not often that the word “myself” comes up over “me” as the correct grammar rule to use.

The phrase “I have myself” is correct, whereas “I have me” is wrong.

If someone asks if you’re alone, or if you need company and you don’t want it, you can reply with a simple “I have myself.” The idea of saying that is that you’re not alone because you’re happy in your own company.

  • Are you lonely?
  • No, I have myself.
  • Do you need company?
  • No, thank you. I have myself.

Many people understand the implication of the phrase, and it’s more common than you might realize. If you say “I have me,” you’re using the incorrect pronoun. “I” works as the subject pronoun, but then you need to use the reflexive pronoun “myself” to reflect on the fact that you have yourself. “Me” is an object pronoun and thus isn’t reflecting on the subject of the sentence.

Should I Say “I Myself Is” Or “I Myself Am” Or “I Myself Are”?

Finally, let’s look at the differences between these three options. You’re always going to want to use “I myself am” because it’s the first-person singular present tense of “to be.” “I” is also the first person singular, so it’s the only acceptable choice.

Correct: I myself am looking for a friend.

Incorrect:I myself is looking out for you.

Correct: I myself am in need of help.

Incorrect:I myself are all yours.

Correct: I myself am here to help you.

Incorrect:I myself is not sure about this.

See how we can’t use “I myself are” or “I myself is,” because we’re using the wrong form of the verb “to be.” We need to keep it in the first-person singular if we want to make sure we stay grammatically correct. You would say “I am,” so you say “I myself am,” even when “myself” is put in the middle.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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