LaVie Warming Massager Review (2022)

How to Pump Breastmilk Faster: LaVie Warming Massager ReviewPump Faster with this Warming Massager
How This Can Help You Pump Faster

When you need to pump and don’t have a lot of time, it can be frustrating when emptying your breasts takes forever. The LaVie warming massager can help speed the process up with vibration and heat! Here’s a complete LaVie warming massager review.

Lactation Massager - How to Pump Faster

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What is the LaVie Warming Massager?

The LaVie Warming Massager is meant to be used while pumping breastmilk, and it uses heat and vibration to get the breast milk flowing more quickly.

The heat comes via warming pads on the massager. After you turn them on, they start to warm up and after about 3 minutes are nice and toasty warm (but not too hot).

There are two different vibration modes – a longer, softer one, and a shorter pulse. You can experiment with them to see which you like better and is more helpful!

How do you use it?

To use the warming massagers, you just turn them on and put them in your pumping bra. (You get two, one for each side.) If you have an area you need to focus on – maybe you have a clogged duct, or frequently get clogs in one area and want to prevent them – you can put it over that spot.

LaVie Warming Massager

It comes with a double USB charger, and will last for about an hour of pump time when fully charged.

How does the LaVie warming massager help?

Here are three ways that the warming massager may be useful for you.

1. Helps You Pump Faster When You’re Short on Time

One thing that can be frustrating for moms that pump at work and don’t have a lot of time to get their pumping sessions in is getting a letdown.

The letdown reflex often occurs a few minutes into a pumping session. You might notice your milk going from a dribble to a spray partway into your pumping session – this is what a letdown looks like:

What Does a Letdown Look Like?

For some women, though, it can take as long as 15-20 minutes to trigger the letdown reflex, making pumping sessions really long.

Heat and vibration often recommended to help moms achieve a letdown – lots of moms find that they let down easily in the shower, or that a warm washcloth before pumping can help their achieve letdown faster. The thing is, it’s not always workable to hop in the shower or prep a washcloth.

The LaVie warming massager is super convenient. You can just keep in it your pump bag, and turn it on when you’re ready to pump.

2. Helps you prevent and clear clogged ducts more quickly

Many women in our Facebook group have found that they can use their warming massagers to help work out plugged ducts more quickly:

I am prone to clogged ducts and whenever I even feel something happening I pull this out and it gets my clogged ducts out ASAP!

Before it would take me DAYS to get rid of a clog. Now they can be gone in less than 12 hours.

If you frequently get plugged milk ducts, I would recommend this as an investment to help you avoid mastitis, which can occur when clogged ducts aren’t cleared quickly.

3. Helps you empty

Finally, a lot of women struggle with feeling like they haven’t “emptied” their breasts in the amount of time they have to pump. (I put empty in quotes because breasts are always making milk, and you can’t fully empty them any more than you can completely drain a sink that is running.)

It can be frustrating when you feel like you’re getting to the end of a 20 minute pumping session and there is still a lot of milk in your breasts. While breast compressions can help speed things up, this warming massager is an option that’s easier on your hands (and frees them up to do other things).

LaVie Lactation Massager Discount

Check LaVie’s warming massager out here. (Use the code EPUMP to get 10% off!)

Or, if you’ve already tried it, share your LaVie warming massager review with us in the comments below!

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