Maths Personal Statement Examples |

Our mathematics personal statement examples should inspire you to write your own unique statement, and help you understand how students have successfully applied for this course in the past.

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 1 **


I have always been fascinated by my mathematical studies and, having a flair for the subject, there was never any doubt that I would choose mathematics as a degree.

It is a pivotal subject on which so many others depend (such as physics and chemistry)…

Maths and Computing Personal Statement Example


The study of mathematical sciences has intrigued me for many years. The decision to study A levels in both maths and physics stemmed from a high interest level and strong aptitude in both subject areas…

Maths and Philosophy Personal Statement Example 1 ***

I believe that there are two ways to look at how the world develops: the first is through the progress of history and human civilisation, and the second is through the progress of knowledge and human understanding…

Mathematics and Computer Science Personal Statement Example ***

When asked why I like Mathematics, I realised that it is all down to my personality. Being a composed, explicit person, I enjoy the challenge of questions with unequivocal answers.

My character’s orderly side draws me enthusiastically towards neat solutions, my creativity gives rise to my acceptance of new ideas and my positive mind results in my wish to succeed…

Maths Personal Statement Example 1 ***

Mathematics is a subject that I have thoroughly enjoyed throughout my school years. The challenge of thinking and the process of logic always attract me to Mathematical problems, however difficult and regardless of the form in which they come…

Maths Personal Statement Example 2 **

During my first year in sixth form I have come to realise the importance of mathematics in everyday life, a base to so many subject areas such as physics and engineering. I am starting to see how the things I have learnt may be adapted and used in a practical situation…

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 1

As Pythagoras may have said, (Ambitious)2 + (Bold)2 = (Critical thinker)2 makes a perfect student and is what I strive to be. From the simple Pythagorean to the complex Fermat’s Last Theorem, mathematics is a never ending branch of study which I enthusiastically enjoy studying and why I wish to pursue it even further at university…

Maths Personal Statement Example 3

I am extremely enthusiastic about my decision to read Mathematics at university as for as long as I can remember Maths has always been my main academic interest.

From learning to count at primary school, to studying calculus towards my Mathematics A level, I have found this subject intriguing due to its obvious application to the real world…

Mathematics and Physics Personal Statement Example 1

Mathematics is a fundamental tool for understanding our world: it can be used to define the symmetry of flowers or to manage global companies. What is so appealing about mathematics is the opportunity of applying it in the physical world…

Maths and Spanish Personal Statement Example

For as long as I have recognised words and numbers, I have seen a connection between the two. As I progressed in the AS Mathematics course I realised how drawn I was to the subject, motivating me to spend 2 weeks at school over the summer holidays learning 2 entire AS Further Maths modules, in order to take the full A-level course in one year…

Mathematics & Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example

My passion for mathematics started as a young girl in China when I used to hide in the bathroom at night to solve mathematical questions by torchlight. I have a naturally inquisitive mind and the enjoyment of numerical investigation gives me the motivation to learn more…

Actuarial Science and Maths Personal Statement Example

For centuries Mathematics and Statistics have been vital in all walks of life, whether it’s in medicine; calculating the probability of death due to smoking or today in calculating pension payments…

Maths and Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example

Maths is a subject like no other; its complexity makes it a challenging and often frustrating area of study, however the logic behind every problem leaves a feeling of certainty about it. My devotion to the subject has grown exponentially, especially in recent years…

Economics & Statistics Personal Statement Example *****

Living in a time of immense economic uncertainty has sparked my curiosity to explain the rationale of consumers, firms and governments.

The severity of vast global problems, from financial crisis to poverty, has also attracted me to Economics: a subject relevant now more than ever to the prosperity of all societies…

Maths Personal Statement Example 4

What I love about maths is that it has no limits. It fascinates me: the formulae, the theorems, the logic. My original interest in the subject was triggered several years ago when I started discussing maths and physics with my dad…

Financial Mathematics Personal Statement Example 1 *****

In the financial sector, decisions must be made in split seconds that can result in either vast profits or significant losses. The collapse of Lehman Brothers, demonstrated to me the vulnerability of all businesses as the size and level of profit does not matter as poor decisions can still create loss…

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 2

Every day we make decisions and interact with others; the laws of economics help us make rational choices and consider the irrationality of others, as well as understand the world better. Maths and statistics are the necessary tools for me to understand the modern economics…

Maths Personal Statement Example 5 ***

Mathematical logic and concepts underlie functionality of practically every process from rocket science to the budget of a household. It is this diversity of application that intrigues me and makes me want to study it in depth…

Maths and Economics Personal Statement Example 1

By skimming through a daily broadsheet or examining journals such as ‘The Economist’ it is clear to see that economic issues affect everyone both locally as well as on a global scale. However, I have been interested by Mathematics for many years and have found my enjoyment for it has increased as the depth of my understanding has grown…

Pure Mathematics Personal Statement Example

Mathematics is beautiful to me because of the deep and meaningful ideas touched upon by it, the vastness of these ideas, the clearness and elegance of their representation. Mathematics gives me the ability to apply knowledge by approaching things logically, and thinking clearly…

Maths Personal Statement Example 6 ****

The idea of proof has always held a real fascination for me. The process of starting from a simple set of axioms and deriving almost any mathematical truth (putting Godel to one side) is what truly separates Mathematics from any other subject…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 2 ***

‘Why study Mathematics?’ I believe Marcus Du Sautoy explains perfectly (in his book ‘The Music of The Primes’); it is ‘the emotional buzz the mathematician experiences in charting new pathways across the mathematical landscape’…

Maths Personal Statement Example 7 ***

Mathematics can, at times, be the single most frustrating subject I have ever studied, yet I love it. The euphoria of completing a particularly hard puzzle, or the sudden realisation of a particular topic clicking into place, makes the challenge and the hard work all the more worthwhile…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 3

“A woman cannot become a scientist.” I have heard my father say this on numerous occasions; and while my parents encouraged me in a wide variety of endeavours with the aim of raising a well-rounded individual, there was one area they did not ever encourage me to explore: dad strongly believed that science and particularly mathematics is not for women…

Actuarial Sciences Personal Statement Example ***

My aptitude towards mathematics aroused because of its simplicity, that as long as you follow the right steps in a systematic order, you will reach the correct answer. At the same time, the challenge which it provides, with its complex yet logical questions, makes it highly addictive for me…

Maths Personal Statement Example 8 ***

At the start of my Mathematics course I thought I knew quite a lot about the subject. Now, having studied it for 12 months, I have realised that there is so much more to learn than I originally thought…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 4

Science, to me, is the pivotal answer to all phenomenal events in the world and maths is an intrinsic part of science itself. Mathematical logic and ideas underlie a variety of problems from the manufacturing process of an iPod to our shopping budget…

Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 1 *****

Catering for the future is one of the most beneficial practises of everyday life, and without foreseeing what liabilities may lay ahead, it is difficult to propose a plan of action in the event of such circumstances…

Maths Personal Statement Example 9

The accumulating comprehension of fascinating interconnected truths that comes from the study of mathematics is what draws me to it. I believe this alone justifies the study of mathematics for its own sake, without considering its numerous applications…

Computer Science & Mathematics Personal Statement Example

I have always been fascinated by mathematics and I really enjoy the delightful feeling I get after solving a difficult problem.

Everything that is happening from rocket science to simple day to day life problems can be explained in a mathematical way and that is the beauty of this subject…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 5 **

Mathematics still remaind as my most favorite subject. Having it as a compulsory subject for five years and one of the subjects I have chosen for my college semester, studying it made me realize just how important it is applied in everyday life, from basic counting to solving complex practical problems…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 6

My propensity for Mathematics is derived from its systematic, yet far from simplistic nature. Problems can, in fact must, be solved through the use of logic and intellect; solutions can never be realised through the customary memorisation of facts and definitions associated with other disciplines, yet there is a distinct and logical order to all things Mathematical, which, to me, epitomises my passion for the subject…

Actuarial Studies Personal Statement Example ***

From a very young age, solving problems and identifying patterns has been something I have enjoyed. As a result of this, maths has become my favourite subject at school. Mathematics requires one to work towards a definite answer, particularly in challenging problems, which I find exciting…

Mathematics and Philosophy Personal Statement Example 1

Bertrand Russell once said: “Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don’t know.” I have always been fascinated by the things that stretch our understanding and knowledge of the world to the limits; the vastness of the universe, the extent of the number line, the existence of a superior being and the workings of the human brain, to name a few…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 7 ***

‘Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas’. Mathematics is the language of reason, an expression of logic that makes sense of the world through numbers rather than words or feelings…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 8 ***

It all started with my first multiplication. I had already learned addition and substraction, and my teacher introduced me to a new way of manipulating numbers. I was 6 years old, pretending that it was at that exact moment that I decided to study pure mathematics would be a lie…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 9

I find Mathematics to be an extremely enjoyable and invigorating subject. What I find most fascinating about Mathematics is the application of logic and analysis it allows, as well as the intellectual stimulation it provides…

Maths and Psychology Personal Statement Example ***

People often refer to mathematics as an art as well as a science and I can really understand and see what they mean by this; the number line is so complex and artistic in patterns that spring up and vast area of different topics that crop up in mathematics…

Maths Personal Statement Example 10

My fascination with maths derives from its symbiotic relationship with the human world; as said by Roger Deacon “the things of this world cannot be known without a knowledge of maths”. To me, the beauty of maths is that there is an international system of evolving logic in which develops an answer that’s unequivocal and always right…

Mathematics and Economics Personal Statement Example 3 *****

In Mathematics there is no good, no evil, no tomorrow, no yesterday, no reality. I have always been attracted to Mathematics by the unquestionable symmetry that surrounds us everything being based on means of geometry…

Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 10

Throughout my 5th and 6th years at Nairn academy my interest in maths and physics has developed greatly. I thoroughly enjoyed these 2 higher subjects and I am now studying both at advanced higher. In particular, the Mechanics topic of the physics has grabbed my attention and I scored top of my class in our last test with 95%.

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 10

Many perceive Mathematics as the queen of all sciences,the true language of knowledge, and though it has been studied around the world for centuries,its nature in Greece is somehow distinct from that anywhere else…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 11 ***

Having been raised during a turbulent and dynamic period of structural reforms that took place in my native country; I was witness to the creation and ensuing burst of the Cyprus Stock Market bubble and its consequent recovery…

Maths and Philosophy Personal Statement Example 2

In order to use logic successfully, one must discover truths, otherwise the solutions are generally useless. The natural sciences are committed to discovering truths so that we may better understand and improve the world…

Maths & Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 1

“It has become a very strange and perhaps frightening subject from the ordinary point of view,but anyone who penetrates into it will find a veritable fairyland”( Kasner E and Newman J).This saying is perhaps the most fitted to describe my enthusiasm for Maths…

Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 2

Passion is the drive that keeps me going. My inclination towards Mathematics has drawn me to pursue a degree in Actuarial Science. The ability to apply mathematics and statistics in my working life in the future would allow me to continuously engage in situations requiring analytical and problem-solving skills…

Mathematics and Engineering Personal Statement Example

Questions regarding the reason for my liking of mathematics have only one answer: mathematical logic and concepts contribute to a practical approach in every aspect of life.

Maths and Science Personal Statement Example

Maths and science, in particular physics, have always been my favourite subjects in school. I have an inquisitive mind and am always asking “how?” and “why?” to find out how things work. I chose maths, physics and biology for my A levels, yet only realised I wanted to do engineering when I started studying topics such as mechanics…

Maths Personal Statement Example 11

At the entrance to Plato’s academy in ancient Greece, stood a sign which warned,
“Let no-one ignorant of mathematics enter here.” Like Plato I believe in the importance of mathematics, and its influence over nearly every walk of life…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 12

Mathematics is at the root of many academic subjects, such as mechanics in Physics, organic Chemistry and even Music and this is why I find it so fascinating. The process of starting from a simple set of formulae and deriving nearly all mathematical truth from these is what makes Mathematics a leading academic subject…

Maths & Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 2

“If people don’t believe that Mathematics is simple, it’s only because they don’t realize how complicated life is.”J.L Neumann. This saying perhaps makes more sense to me than to anyone else and is most suited to describe my zeal for Mathematics…

Physics & Maths Personal Statement Example 1 *****

The nobility of physics together with my aspiration to explore natural phenomena mathematically and to formulate theories that govern them has changed my perception of reality and this has made me ponder difficult questions…

Mathematics and Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 1 ****

Mathematics is not just a mere subject but a universal language. Its plethora of Greek symbols interlaced with numbers makes it seem like a clandestine code, which has to be deciphered. This aside, I believe the real magic of Mathematics lies not with its method of execution, but its definite solutions founded on irrefutable proofs, not ignoring the seemingly endless array of applications…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 13 ***

Mathematics is the fundamental basis of science. I want to understand just how the world hangs together, and maths seems to provide me with a solid foundation for my understanding of many other fields of knowledge…

Maths and Computer Science Personal Statement Example *****

I believe that mathematics is a key part of life. Being ambitious and willing to face challenges, asking questions and exploring problems without quite knowing how the solution will emerge are the key to my interest in mathematics…

Languages and Maths Personal Statement Example ****

I am a versatile individual with a passion and flair for both Languages and Maths. I am applying to a variety of courses to pursue my combined interest.

My love for languages began when I moved to Switzerland in 2006…

Maths and Science Statement Personal Statement Example

Personal statement

I enjoy learning, developing and exploring new ideas, concepts and ways of working. An interest that I hope may lead to a mentoring or teaching position, where I will be able to share ideas in a researching, developing and learning environment…

Financial Mathematics Personal Statement Example 2

Studying mathematics is a pure pleasure for me and I take pride in my achievements in the subject. What makes maths so interesting is its foundations in the real world; for instance, the Fibonacci numbers that arise all through nature, the notes played by a guitar string producing standing waves at different frequencies of sound and algebra which is used to create special effects in animated films and TV shows…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 14 *****

The challenge of problem solving has always been key to my passion for mathematics. For me, the satisfaction gained from systematically working through a complex problem to an often unobvious solution is unmatched by other areas of study…

Maths Personal Statement Example 12

Mathematics dictates our understanding of the universe; the sciences that the world depends on today are founded and dependant on maths. Scientists and mathematicians spend their lives making remarkable discoveries contributing to the development of humanity, the findings we have been making in fields like quantum mechanics would be completely impossible without maths…

Maths Personal Statement Example 13 ***

‘When is something maths?’. To ask this question would generate many replies perhaps declaring ‘doing complex calculations’ or ‘working out sums’, but it is simply so much more. To me, mathematics is a language, explaining how our world works, such as why things exist as they do in geometrical space…

Maths and Economics Personal Statement Example 2

The application of mathematics in the real world has always fascinated me. Mathematics acts as a base from which economics progresses, with such skills as differentiation needed to find the elasticity coefficients in higher education…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 15

Mathematics is a language of science which portrays just merely anything in this world better than any other way we distinguish.The more we discover nature,the more mathematical association revealed by doing so…

Mathematics & Computer Science Personal Statement Example

I have found mathematics a fascinating subject since my early years. I enjoy it as it is challenging and logical.

I am particularly interested in decision mathematics as it is a field that is directly related to real-life applications of mathematics and can be used to solve problems, such as finding the optimal solution for transporting materials from one place to another while minimising the cost…

Mathematics & Physics Personal Statement Example 1

Studying mathematics and physics at degree level will not only allow me to develop myself intellectually but satisfy my curiosity to understand the universe and everything in it. As my knowledge of physics has developed my perception of reality has evolved and I find myself pondering challenging questions, which drives me to learn more…

Maths & Management Personal Statement Example ****

There is no doubt that Mathematics is the most important element supporting science and business. Without the equation ‘E=mc2’, Einstein’s ‘Mass-energy equivalence’ can only be a concept, but not a theory…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 16

I have always had a passion and a thorough understanding of the subject of Mathematics. This helped me to progress academically because, unlike a lot of people, I have not had to worry about passing my GCSE Maths exams…

Mathematics & Physics Personal Statement Example 2

My enthusiasm for Mathematics and Physics comes from the fact that they are both used to further our understanding of the universe and have applications in all other areas of science. My main area of interest in Physics is particle physics as this tells us how fundamental parts of our universe interact with each other…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 17

When I learned that mathematics involved more than just routine computations, it certainly left alasting impression on me, to say the least. From then onwards, I became eager to explore the subject for myself, to go beyond what was taught in the classroom…

Maths Personal Statement Example 14

In an ever changing world, numbers are the only certainty with which a foundation of understanding can be built.

My interest in Maths stems from my desire to understand and solve problems. I gain an odd, to some, large amount of satisfaction from solving difficult problems and my enthusiasm has only grown larger as the complexity of the maths has increased…

Maths Personal Statement Example 15

In an ever changing world, numbers are the only certainty with which a foundation of understanding can be built.

My interest in Maths stems from my desire to understand and solve problems. I gain a large amount of satisfaction from solving difficult problems and my enthusiasm has only grown larger as the complexity of the maths has increased…

Maths and Economics Personal Statement Example 3

It has been said that mathematics is the one true universal language. The logic used in Pythagoras, the value of Pi or even the process behind simple addition is the same anywhere in the world. Manipulating numbers is a skill that most people will use to some extent in their lives, giving mathematics a ubiquitous influence in the world…

Mathematics (MMath) Personal Statement Example

Alex Bellos wrote a book, ‘Alex’s adventures in Numberland’, which gives a great insight and depth to the wonders of mathematics. In particular it explored the fascinating feat of method maths and shows many examples of how different methods help us get to solutions that a lot of the time would be unsolvable…

Mathematics and Physics Personal Statement Example 2

Physics helps us to understand the behaviour of the universe and mathematics provides the fundamental tools that underpin this. Even though these subjects complement each other there are separate reasons why I enjoy them…

English Literature and Maths Personal Statement Example

To achieve a greater understanding of life, I feel the study of English and Maths is a necessity; to understand mathematics is to understand the mechanics of the physical world. For example, using maths, we can predict the weather but because of the mechanics behind chaos theory, there’s so much affecting it that we still can’t be certain…

Physics & Maths Personal Statement Example 2

Complexity of the world, starting from the microscopic interactions between molecules to the enormous scale of the universe, is endlessly intriguing me. How does the universe work? A few years ago I realised that physics with the help of mathematical equations and theories is a tool to provide the answer…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 18

I have always loved mathematics, but it was five years ago that I truly became hooked. I had been invited to attend a series of ‘mathematics masterclasses’ organised by The Royal Institution.

Having only previously been exposed to simple algebra and geometry, the way maths was used in topics like topology, infinity and chaos absolutely fascinated me, and transformed my perspective on what mathematics makes possible…

Mathematics International Personal Statement Example

For much of my life, I considered maths to be dull; a basic set of rules that could be a convenience from time to time. As disinterested as I was, I was capable of succeeding in my classes, and suddenly, during a weekend of arduous, continuous maths homework, I found myself seeing every question as not a problem to be solved as if I were a computer, but a puzzle, in which a complex question would be slowly transformed into a simple, beautiful solution…

Maths Personal Statement Example 16

The study of mathematics and the challenges that it presents arouse equal measures of both frustration and enjoyment. It is the moment of enlightenment arrived at through differing proportions of determination and experimentation that is the appeal of the subject…

Maths and Statistics Personal Statement Example

Mathematics and statistical data are fundamental to understanding the world. Being able to see how things as simple as numbers can be arranged into mathematical models that can describe everything from the stock market to the flight of a ball both excites and fascinates me…

Mathematics, Accounting and Finance Personal Statement Example

Real life applications of Mathematics have always fascinated me, whether that be the statistical analysis of data or the calculation of insurance risk. Accounting and Finance are prime examples of how Mathematics is used in everyday life; it plays an essential role in these two subject areas which is why I am keen to study this course…

Mathematics and Actuarial Science Personal Statement Example 2

The ability to turn digits into something meaningful is magical. It transforms a complex imaginary world into reality. It connects the world together like a verbal language. This is the power of Mathematics…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 19

The ability of mathematicians to understand a problem by reducing it to its key components fascinates me. Using nothing more than logic and intuition, they cut complex problems down to simple steps; they convey concepts so convoluted they would be illegible without the language of mathematics…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 20

If Mathematics were a number, I would say it is prime, not because it is mostly odd, rather because of its uniqueness. Mathematics is a subject that seeks to find the unknowns, and at times questions the accuracy of the known, hence its difficulty…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 21

Mathematics, like any other skill, is something to be honed. At its most refined the applications of Maths are so powerful and its range so wide that there are few fields untouched by its seemingly universal span…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 22

When I lived in London, I found maths to be straightforward. Albeit, I was eight, but regardless I didn’t have much trouble. When I had to move to Qatar, I still found maths to be simple enough. I would finish my times tables quickly and move on with my day…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 23

I love puzzles. The unique unforgettable exhilaration as all the pieces fall in place, the quiet sense of accomplishment and wonder as I gaze at the finished masterpiece: I really love puzzles. So naturally, I found myself completely at home in the quiet, yet endlessly intriguing, brimming with strange and wonderful ideas, world of mathematics…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 24

Mathematics has always captivated me in how it is a language communicating the laws of the universe and a tool to improve our daily lives. This, alongside my thirst for learning and passion for problem-solving, informs my fascination for Mathematics as a discipline…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 25

What I find most intriguing about Mathematics is the hidden complexity behind some of the simplest looking problems – a number of which continue to perplex modern mathematicians (for instance the Collatz Conjecture)…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 26

I found reading Cracking Mathematics by C. Beveridge a great basis to further my mathematical knowledge. It enabled me to thoroughly recognise the subject as an abstract concept, something that bewilders me and excites me to pursue it further…

Finance & Mathematics Personal Statement Example

The method of reducing complex phenomena to basic building blocks, and of looking for the mechanisms through which these interact, is deeply ingrained in our culture and has often been identified with scientific methods…

Maths and Economics Personal Statement Example 4

It was during Faure’s Requiem, an orchestral rehearsal at a Royal Hall Festival, that I was in complete awe by the harmonious interplay of mathematics in all forms of art. I was delightfully admired by the artistic and eloquent compliment of orchestrated ratios and an infinity of probable combinations of notes…

Maths and Economics Personal Statement Example 5

Presenting Globular Clusters for my school’s astronomy group at the European Science Exposition 2016 was one of my most formative experiences. Amid international enthusiasm, I witnessed the creativity and awe that science, with mathematics at its core, can inspire…

Mathematics and Philosophy/Computer Science Personal Statement Example

What first drew me to Mathematics was the challenge of problem-solving. Simply starting with a few elementary axioms and being able to derive a single solution through various different procedures has always held a real fascination for me…

Maths Personal Statement Example 17

For me maths is never monotonous – I find pleasure even in its simplest of forms and the
satisfaction derived from the dissection and completion of a complex problem is one of life’s
greatest luxuries…

Maths Personal Statement Example 18

The concept of proof intrigues me, where by beginning with a basic set of principles you are able to derive a mathematical fact. It is the nearest we can get to definitive truth which is what gives the subject its beauty and uniqueness…

Maths Personal Statement Example 19

I want to carry on studying mathematics for three reasons: first, the enjoyment I have derived from doing problems has grown as I attempt harder problems; second, I like being challenged intellectually, whatever the subject, and the challenges I have met in maths have been tougher and thus more satisfying than any others; third, although I spend a great deal of time working with maths, I feel I have only just begun…

Mathematics Personal Statement Example 27

What really motivates my strong desire to further my Mathematical studies at university is the way mathematics can be used and applied to countless other subjects of study and even more practical real-life situations…

Maths and Philosophy Personal Statement Example 3

Philosophy attempts to understand the world as a whole, but also us humans including our thoughts, language, and even the mere fact why we exist in the first place. To achieve this, philosophers ask questions and define rules on how to answer them…

Mathematics MSc Personal Statement Example

A trace of interrogating issues since childhood resulted to the passion for mathematics. Since it create the environment to interrogate the rationale behind any mathematical axioms and hypothesis. The elementary algebra was so fascinating to the extent that one can appreciate the beauty of mathematics…

Maths and Economics Personal Statement Example 36

Simplicity is not simple. Mathematics demonstrates this like no other. It unites things that initially seem disparate and complex, which, through modelling, can be reformed into ways that can aid much simpler understanding…

Maths and Physics Personal Statement Example

I have always had a fascination with understanding how the world works and knowing why things are the way they are. Mathematics is the fundamental structure of everything in our universe. From the innate symmetry in snowflakes and the randomness in the Earth’s weather patterns to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity and quantum superposition, I believe numbers rule the world.

Mathematics and Computer Science Personal Statement Example (Mature Student)

Following the progression from my foundation year to Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the University of Manchester, I questioned myself as to what would be the next step after this. Do I enjoy what I am studying, and do I see myself continuing down this path post-University? What is my passion?

Mathematics Personal Statement Example

Upon arriving in the UK at the age of 11, with a limited grasp of English, my newfound motivation and innate ability in the field of mathematics allowed me to build confidence amongst my peers.

Mathematics & French Personal Statement Example

For as long as I can remember, Mathematics has been my main academic interest, and I wish to apply for this opportunity to study at university as I would like to enhance my knowledge of key concepts in this area. For example, I especially enjoy linear algebra, as this has always been a strength of mine and I feel that improving my knowledge on subjects like this would successfully help me grow my current skills.

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