Motion | Calendar

We trained the Intelligent Calendar to be a productivity pro.

To develop Motion’s Intelligent Calendar, we carefully studied how the most productive people in the world get more done each day.

Hyper productive people religiously plan their day minute by minute. They write to-do lists. They prioritize each task and to do. They block time on their calendars to complete every task.

They also protect their time. They limit meetings and only schedule them on certain days and at certain times. They prioritize back to back meetings. They guard large chunks of time on their calendar for deep, focused work.

All of this planning takes a lot of time and effort. Or, an expensive personal assistant to manage it for you.

So we trained Motion to be your productivity pro and personal assistant. It helps you follow and live by all of the proven productivity advice.

And it handles all of the laborious, tedious task planning and meeting scheduling. It prioritizes tasks for you. And it creates flexible time blocks on your calendar. It protects chunks of time for deep work. It limits meetings, and it ensures you have meetings at the optimal time.

Motion is so powerful, it took us over 12 months of non-stop coding to create it.
It’s like having an ever-available personal assistant — for just 62 cents a day.

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