NNSA launches new web platform to support the nonproliferation work of the Nuclear Suppliers Group
NNSA recently launched a new web platform to help the 48 participating governments of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) work together to contribute to the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.
The NSG is a group of nuclear supplier countries, which seeks to ensure the peaceful uses of nuclear technology through the implementation of the NSG Guidelines. NSG participating governments commit to uphold its guidelines and exchange information, including on developments of nuclear proliferation concern.
The NSG Guidelines contain conditions of supply that participating governments apply to nuclear and nuclear-related exports for peaceful purposes. The Guidelines help ensure that such transfers will not be diverted to unsafeguarded nuclear fuel cycle or nuclear explosive activities, while not unjustly hindering legitimate trade and cooperation. The NSG Guidelines consist of two parts:
- The Part 1 Guidelines apply to the export of items that are especially designed or prepared for nuclear use, such as nuclear power plants, enriched uranium, and equipment that fabricates nuclear fuel.
- The Part 2 Guidelines apply to the export of items that might be used in the nuclear realm but have other uses, too. Examples include radiation-hardened cameras, lasers, and high explosives.