Ninja (Group)

The Ninja Group is a red Group that is considered a quintessential Group and is classified as an aggro/control (domination) deck, as it focuses on buffing the ninjas and debuffing the non-ninjas at the same time.

Ninjas can be deadly in power and provide a variety of fighters in terms of effects. A ninja deck also has good consistency as well, making it well manageable early game. Despite being well in buffing and debuffing, Ninjas are not good at buffing to the extremes compared to Doge or Redcliff, nor they are not good at debuffing non-Ninjas as often and effective compared to Korblox.

Most ninja decks utilize blue cards to outweigh Ninja’s lack of card draw early game, especially with cards such as Snowskateer or Froot Ninja.


  • Very good at buffing Power.
  • AoE bread can help remove this deck’s major weakness.
  • Majority of fighters can be cast easily.
  • Good at genning.
  • Has a terrain that heavily supports this group’s playstyle.
  • Quite durable for an aggro group. Can sustain well against small bread.


  • Barely any health buffs.
  • Only has damage-based removal. Relies on power buffs to deal with midrange.
  • Doesn’t recover well, requires having tempo early game or it will fall quick.
  • Their only drawing power comes from Grandmaster’s Ninja Dojo, which can benefit the opponent as well.
  • Very unbalanced color support; dramatically more Red Ninja cards than Blue ones.


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