Over the moon definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Examples of ‘over the moon’ in a sentence

over the moon

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These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins.

Their fans must be over the moon with delight

The students were over the moon.

The whole family is over the moon with it.

But on the wedding day she was over the moon.

Over the moon for him.

think she was over the moon about it.

I could tell he was over the moon, ecstatic.

But I am over the moon about the way things have worked out.

Local residents aren’t over the moon about the changes, fearing disruption and parking issues during building.Dear Deidre I’M over the moon about a new job offer but my dad has kicked off as it would mean moving away from home

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