Parent reviews for I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World

Please note, there are two versions of this book. My review is based on the Young Reader’s edition, which I find more appropriate for students. The Young Reader’s edition mainly has the same content as the other version, but is written in a more direct manner, which means less specificity and detail for some of the more challenging (content-wise) reading portions. This edition still contains violence, although not graphically depicted, including mention of suicide bombers, death threats, bombing of schools, killings, and whippings. Some of the books (I believe mainly the hardbacks) contain full-color images. One image in particular may be hard for some students (a person held down for lashings). I had 8th grade students read this text. Nearly all of the students had positive things to say about the book and its messages, but some also said it was hard to read at times because of the serious nature of the content.

This book is a great introduction to Malala’s story, some of the conflict within the Middle East, and the international struggle for women’s rights and education. I could go on about the countless positive aspects of the book, but my review would be too long! The fact that the story is written about a modern young girl makes it even more appealing and relatable to readers. I recommend this book for 7th grade and up (may be suitable for a 6th grade student based on maturity and sensitivity level).

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