Personal Biography | Dmitry Kaminskiy

Dmitry Kaminskiy is an innovative entrepreneur and investor dedicated to the acceleration of Longevity and DeepTech Industrialization and Financial Commoditization. He is also the author of several books including The 5th Industrial Revolution and a Techno-Philanthropist devoted to hastening the pace of technological progress for the benefit of global society.


Mr. Kaminskiy is a Сo-Founder and managing partner of Deep Knowledge Group, a data-driven consortium of commercial and non-profit organizations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, BioTech, Pharma, FinTech, GovTech, SpaceTech, FemTech, Data Science, InvestTech), ranging from scientific research to investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, consulting, media, philanthropy and more.


As a mathematical corporation focused on building the bridge to the 5th Industrial Revolution, Deep Knowledge Group is decisively committed to DeepTech for Social Good, Techno-Philanthropy and DeepTech and Longevity Industry Financial Commoditization (establishing the core investment and financial industry infrastructure needed for the emergence of DeepTech and Longevity as fundamentally new asset classes).


Dmitry leads the activities of the consortium’s venture arms – Deep Knowledge Ventures, an investment fund focused on DeepTech and advanced science projects, Longevity.Capital, which prioritizes the convergence of Longevity and Artificial Intelligence, areas in which it has unparalleled investment and exit strategies, and DeepTech and Longevity Industry Financial Advisors, the consortium’s dedicated DeepTech and Longevity Financial Commoditization subsidiary launched with the mandate of establishing the integral financial infrastructure (platforms, indices, exchanges, financial instruments and derivatives) needed for accelerated and de-risked DeepTech and Longevity Industrialization, and their emergence as fundamentally new asset classes.  

He also closely supervises the work of the 5th Industrial Revolution Institute, a social enterprise launched to carry forward Deep Knowledge Group’s long-standing vision and mission to ensuring that all necessary technological and infrastructural components of the 5th Industrial Revolution are in place before the year 2030, and its mission to do as much as possible  to personally and practically pave the way for its emergence. The institute conducts sophisticated long-term technology forecasting and help ensure stable 5-IR technology development via AI-driven SWOT analyses to identify and neutralise risk factors.


Mr. Kaminskiy is a frequent speaker on the topics of AI and Longevity at conferences organized in London by The Economist “Aging Societies and The Business of Longevity”, Financial Times “Smart Machines vs Smart People”, at the Future Finance Forum in Seoul “AI in Finance”, “Precision Medicine World Conference” in Silicon Valley, as well as several others at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.


He also supervises the activities of Deep Knowledge Group’s 12+ analytical subsidiaries, including their AI and Data Science Division, AI Analytics Agency, Aging Analytics Agency, Deep Knowledge Analytics, Deep Pharma Intelligence, NeuroTech Analytics, FemTech Analytics and SpaceTech Analytics, among others.


In addition to his business activities, Dmitry is involved in several scientific endeavors. He strongly believes that humans should live longer healthier lives. He has a major interest in Healthy Longevity which is reflected in his business, research and public activities. As Managing Trustee of The Biogerontology Research Foundation (BGRF), the UK’s oldest charity devoted to accelerating Longevity science, technology and policy, he was actively involved in instigating the BGRF’s successful initiative of adding a new extension code for “ageing-related diseases” (XT9T) accepted in 2018 by the World Health Organization during the last revisions of its International Classification of Diseases framework.


His $1 million prize for the first person to reach their 123rd birthday went viral, and was widely covered by the world’s top media. The current lifespan record is 122.5 years, achieved by Jeanne Calment in 1997, which has remained unchanged despite the tremendous advances in biomedicine and in our understanding of the aging process that have occurred since that time.


He chose to launch this prize in order to promote Healthy Longevity, and to motivate people to maximize their own Healthy Longevity. Given the dynamic of progress in the field of Longevity, it is only a matter of time before this record is surpassed through the proactive efforts of someone using all available resources, both scientific, technological and lifestyle-related, to maximize their Healthy Longevity and celebrate his or her 123rd birthday.

Mr. Kaminskiy is also author of the critically acclaimed book, Longevity Industry 1.0: Defining the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History, published in 2020, which distilled the complex assembly of deep market intelligence and industry knowledge that Deep Knowledge Group and its Longevity-focused subsidiaries have developed over the past 10 years into a full-scope understanding of the Global Longevity Industry, sufficient to define the industry for the first time and to reliably forecast its future development. His newest book, Biomarkers of Human Longevity: Data Science for Accelerating Aging Research and R&D and The Critical Catalyst for Practical Human Longevity, Tangible Investment Decision Making and De-Risking, was published in 2021

Dmitry’s other forthcoming books include Longevity Financial Industry: Health as New Wealth, Longevity FinTech, WealthTech, InvestTech, InsurTech, AgeTech and the Coming Rise of Longevity Banks, Investment Banks, Stock Exchanges, ETFs, Indices and Novel Financial Instruments and Derivatives, Longevity Politics: Longevity Technocracy, Modern Approaches to Policy, Governance and National Industrial Strategies, and Longevity as the New Political Priority of the 21st Century, Practical Longevity: The Complete Guide on How to celebrate Your 123rd Birthday, and culminating in the 2022 release of its formal sequel, Longevity Industry 2.0: DeepTech Engineering the Accelerated Trajectory of Human Longevity: The Blueprint and Pathway from Longevity Industry 1.0 to 2.0, and The 5th Industrial Revolution: Why The Future Is Faster But Much More Complex Than You Think.

Mr. Kaminskiy adheres to the principal of “Impact Investing” in all his business activities, believing that business should intentionally make a significant impact for social good. He operates according to the maxim that business should be aligned with societal good and humanitarianism, and his activities in both business and the non-profit sector are aimed at the shared goal of advancing exponential and disruptive technologies to accelerate positive paradigm shifts in finance, healthcare and AI.

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